Certificates of Excellence awarded to African members

03/07/2023 09:40 AM

During the Regional Social Security Forum for Africa (RSSF Africa), Certificates of Excellence were awarded to social security institutions from Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco and Zambia.

The Recognition programme of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) provides member institutions with the opportunity to receive international certification and recognition for the successful implementation of a set of ISSA Guidelines on Social Security Administration.

Illustrative image (internet)

Since its launch in 2016, this programme has become increasingly sought after, because it involves  an external evaluation of an organization in a specific area, increases the motivation of staff, builds confidence in the institution internally and externally, and represents proof of the quality of systems and procedures. It also enables institutions to carry out a permanent improvement approach based on strengths and weaknesses identified by the evaluation.

A Certificate of Excellence is valid for three years. At RSSF Africa in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 17–19 May 2023, eight certificates were handed out. Four of these were new, and four were recertifications for the next three years.

Country Institution Certificate(s)
Cameroon National Social Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – CNPS) Error, evasion and fraud in social security systems
Côte d’Ivoire IPS National Social Insurance Fund (IPS Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – IPS CNP) Contribution collection and compliance
Morocco CDG Prévoyance* Good governance; Information and communication technology; Service quality
Morocco Pension Fund of Morocco (Caisse marocaine des retraites – CMR) Good governance
Zambia National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) Communication; Good governance
* New name: Savings-Pensions Branch of the Deposit and Management Fund (Branche Epargne-Prévoyance de la Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion)

The ISSA will continue to highlight the achievements of its member institutions in this area in upcoming forums in other regions.

*** Only organizations that have achieved an excellence rating of at least 600/1000 points are eligible for the African Excellence Award. As a rule, this is realistic for organizations that have committed themselves to continuous improvement for one to two years. Many leading organizations around the world use their Excellence scores for credibility and competitive advantage, as your score is a factual indication of the maturity of the organization.

Humanitas Afrika have instituted an ‘African Leadership and Excellence Award’ scheme that recognises and honours African leaders, individuals and institutions whose endeavours enhance greater freedom, development and unity of the African people and continent.