Task Force Meeting for Implementing VSS’ Project 06: Unveiling Objectives for 2024

20/01/2024 09:05 AM

On the morning of January 16, 2024, the Task Force for Implementing Project 06 of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) held a meeting to discuss the tasks for the year 2024. Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh, the head of the Task Force, chaired the meeting.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh evaluated that in 2023, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) had essentially completed the tasks assigned in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022, approving the Project for the development of population data, identification, and electronic authentication to serve the national digital transformation phase 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030 (referred to as Project 06). The results achieved by the sector were highly praised by the Prime Minister and the Task Force for implementing Project 06 of the Government.

The Task Force Implementing VSS' Project 06 convenes to discuss the implementation of tasks for the year 2024 on January 16th

Outstanding Results

At the meeting, a representative from the Information Technology Center, a permanent member of the Task Force, presented a summary of the results of the VSS in 2023 and the two years of implementing Project 06 by the Government.

During the two years (2022 and 2023) of implementing Project 06, the VSS was assigned to carry out 32 tasks. Specifically, the total number of completed tasks was 24, and there were no overdue tasks. The total number of regularly implemented and ongoing tasks within the deadline was 8.

The VSS issued 152 documents, including Resolutions, Action Programs, Plans, and organizational documents for the implementation of online public services (OPS). The VSS and its affiliated units also provided feedback on draft documents related to the implementation of Project 06 (drafting the procedures for implementing 02 groups of interconnected administrative procedures, drafting the report outline, regulations on the operation of the Government's Task Force for implementing Project 06, etc.). They addressed difficulties and obstacles faced by localities in implementing the tasks of Project 06. Regular monthly or ad-hoc meetings of the Government's Task Force were held to review and evaluate the implementation status, promptly resolve difficulties and issues, and propose tasks and solutions for effective implementation of the assigned tasks. They reported the full situation and results of implementing Project 06 as required by the Government's Task Force.

The VSS took proactive measures and coordinated with ministries, sectors, and localities to achieve significant results. The system of VSS verified over 95 million population information records in the database managed by the VSS, of which about 86.6 million people were participating and enjoying social, health, and unemployment insurance, accounting for 97% of the total participants.

Project 06 creates a breakthrough in national digital transformation - Vietnam.vn

Illustrative image (Vietnam.vn)

All healthcare facilities covered by health insurance implemented health insurance card issuance using chip-embedded citizen identity cards (meeting the requirement to look up health insurance card information using personal identification numbers/ citizen identity cards), with over 55 million successful searches for health insurance card information using personal identification numbers/citizen identity cards, serving health insurance procedures.

Implementation of integrated online public services: Integration of calculating the reduction of payment levels during health insurance card renewal for households; Interconnection of birth registration - permanent residence registration - issuance of health insurance cards for children under 6 years old; Interconnection of death registration - removal of permanent residence registration - support for funeral expenses, funeral allowance; Resolution of unemployment benefits; Registration for voluntary social insurance; Registration for participation in voluntary health insurance; Registration for social insurance contributions for those only participating in health insurance.

Tasks and Future Work

Based on the foundation and results achieved, during the meeting, the members of the Task Force discussed and clarified the tasks and solutions for implementation in 2024.

In 2024, the VSS will continue to implement tasks under Project 06, Directive No. 05/CT-TTg dated February 23, 2023, from the Prime Minister on continuing to accelerate the implementation of Project 06 in ministries, sectors, and localities in 2023 and the following years. Also, Resolution No. 362-NQ/BCS dated May 12, 2023, of the Party Executive Committee of VSS on enhancing the implementation of Project 06; Decision No. 1177/QD-BHXH dated August 11, 2023, and other directives from the Government, Prime Minister, and the Government's Task Force on implementing Project 06.

Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh and the members provided specific input for each task and activity in the draft Plan for the Implementation of Project 06 in 2024 by the VSS.

Phúc lợi đối với người lao động trong các doanh nghiệp ở Việt Nam: Thực trạng và giải pháp - Tạp chí Cộng sản

Illustrative image (internet)

Regarding the directive and management work, the Task Force will maintain regular briefings, reporting mechanisms, guidance, inspections, and urging. It is planned to organize a sector-wide conference on digital transformation and Project 06 implementation at the end of January 2024. In 2024, the Task Force will actively participate in the implementation of Government Resolution No. 175/NQ-CP on establishing the National Data Center, and it will complete the model of organizing training and training reinforcement, striving for 100% of officials and employees to be trained in digital skills and information security on the network environment. Continuation of refining regulations and guidelines of the VSS to serve the implementation of Project 06.

Concluding the working session, on behalf of the leadership of the sector, Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh commended and highly appreciated the results achieved in the implementation of Project 06 by the sector and the activities of Task Force 06 at the VSS and in local social security offices. In particular, Task Force 06 at the VSS has operated with a high sense of responsibility, seriousness, and effectiveness.

For the upcoming tasks, Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh requested that the Task Force for the Implementation of VSS’ Project 06 expeditiously finalize the Action Plan for 2024, with content and tasks closely aligned with the actual situation of the sector, clearly assigning responsibilities to individuals, specifying units in charge, setting specific timelines, and expected outcomes. The Task Force should also continue to provide advice for reviewing and improving the Task Forces at the local social insurance offices and consider establishing district-level social insurance Task Forces if necessary./.