Survivor’s Benefit
03/08/2017 06:13 PM
- Employees who pay social insurance premiums or reserving his/her social insurance period; entitling monthly work injury and occupational disease benefits for those who stop working, are entitled to funeral allowance of 10 months of the basic minimum wage when he/she dies.
- Relatives (as defined in the Social Insurance Law) of the deceased insured who:
+ having contributed to the social insurance fund for at least 15 years but has not been provided with one-off allowances;
+ is receiving monthly retirement pensions;
+ is receiving monthly work injury and occupational disease benefits of at least 61% incapacity;
+ dies of work injury and occupational disease;
+ are eligible for monthly or one-off death gratuity.
- The monthly death gratuity for each dependant of the deceased employees is equivalent to 50% of the basic wage; 70% of that if the dependant of the late employees has no direct raiser (no more than 4 persons).
- The one-off death gratuity for relatives of the deceased employees are calculated based on the duration of social insurance contribution.
- For each year of contribution, relatives of the deceased are entitled to 1.5 times the insured’s average monthly salary (minimum of 3 times the average monthly salary).
- The one-off death gratuity for relatives of deceased pensioners is calculated based on the period of pension enjoyment. If pensioners die within the first 2 months of pension enjoyment, the allowance must equal 48 months’ pension. If the pensioners die in the following months, the allowance is reduced by half a month’s pension for each additional month of pension enjoyment (minimum of 3 months of pension).
International Cooperation Department
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security