Safe internet and social security are ensured for children

09/07/2024 03:52 PM

Under the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, all children everywhere have a right to social security and to social protection measures that must be available, adequate, and accessible.Yet, children around the world continue to face barriers to inclusive social protection.

Minister Counsellor Nguyễn Hoàng Nguyên, deputy head of the Permanent Delegation of Việt Nam to the UN, addressed the UN Security Council (UNSC)’s annual open debate on children and armed conflict. — VNA/VNS Photo Thanh Tuấn

Việt Nam urges collaboration to ensure safe future for children worldwide

Respect for the UN Charter, international law and international humanitarian law plays a significant role in children protection

Việt Nam will closely collaborate with the international community, the United Nations (UN) and related parties in preventing and solving conflicts, contributing to ensuring a safe and bright future for children worldwide, Minister Counsellor Nguyễn Hoàng Nguyên, deputy head of the Permanent Delegation of Việt Nam to the UN, told the UN Security Council (UNSC)’s annual open debate on children and armed conflict held in New York on June 27.

The Minister Counsellor emphasised that the top priority of the international community as well as each country is to address the root cause of conflicts via promoting sustainable development, helping children avoid the consequences of war and violence.

He affirmed that respect for the UN Charter, international law and international humanitarian law plays a significant role in children protection. All parties in conflicts must comply with their obligations under international law and relevant UN resolutions, including the Security Council Resolution 2573 (2021) which was proposed by Việt Nam on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts.

The representative of Việt Nam held that in order to increase the effectiveness of children protection in conflicts, it is necessary to strengthen collaboration among member countries and related agencies of the UN such as the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Development Programme (UNDP), and UN peacekeeping missions, among others. The comprehensive approach will help to create a framework to connect peacekeeping missions, economic development with child protection prior, in and post conflicts.

The UNSC’s annual open debate, which was chaired by the Republic of Korea as June’s Council president, saw the participation of former Secretary-General of the UN Ban Ki-Moon and representatives of more than 80 countries and related international organisations.

At the session, delegates expressed concerns about the tendency of a significant increase in violations against children in conflict areas, resulting in many children being killed, injured or separated. They also discussed current issues about child recruitment and use, killing and maiming, abductions, rape and other forms of sexual violence, attacks on schools and hospitals, and the denial of humanitarian access. Many countries condemned the acts of killing children in conflicts and attacks on educational and health facilities that are taking place in many parts of the world.

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Online social risks

The Department of Information Security, children are most vulnerable to online social risks from the ages of nine to 13.

Therefore, to help students gain more skills in information security, the Department of Information Security has collaborated with schools and various organisations to organise the Student Internet Safety Competition.

Through this competition, knowledge and skills for safe and effective internet use will be provided to students and parents nationwide. It's also a healthy and beneficial platform that enhances students' critical thinking abilities, helping them identify and prevent safety risks in the online environment.

Furthermore, the Child Online Protection and Rescue Network coordinated by the Department of Information Security, in collaboration with several other organizations, has recently launched a website at with various features aimed at safeguarding children on the internet. On the website, features such as "Resources" provide materials to enhance awareness, skills, and experience in protecting children online.

Features like "Q&A" and "Expressing Concerns" provide a space for children and users to ask questions, express opinions, and voice concerns regarding child protection on the internet. Recently, the Department of Information Security has tested the "Tool" and "Report Abuse" features to assist users in checking unsafe links. Users can input the website link and request a safety check for children or report abuse when encountering cases of child exploitation, harassment, fraud, bullying, or any harmful behaviour toward children to the relevant authorities.

To keep up with the rapid changes in technology, children need to learn and have appropriate access to digital technology. They must also be equipped with digital skills to build resilience and the ability to respond effectively to risks in the online environment. Alongside this, the support of families, guidance from schools, and technological assistance from corporations and regulatory agencies will help create a healthier online environment for children to learn and grow.

Every child and young person has the right to a safe, secure and bright future

All children and young people have the right to a safe, secure and bright future, to be properly cared for and to grow up in a home without violence. Social services provide support to children and adults alike. Social services are society’s last-resort safety net. Social services are responsible for protecting children who are mistreated or at risk of being mistreated. This is an incredibly important – yet difficult – task. The best interests of the child must always be the guiding principle. If children and young people are at risk, society has a duty and a responsibility to ensure that they receive the protection and support they need. The best interests of the child must always take precedence over the interests of the biological parents.