Viet Nam looks forward social insurance coverage, social protection for all people

16/05/2024 02:30 PM

The revision of the Social Insurance Law has been a long, collaborative process, led by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) in close collaboration and consultation with multiple stakeholders, including the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, Viet Nam Social Security (VSS), as well as representatives of social partners. Viet Nam looks forward social insurance coverage, social protection for all people.

Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung addressed the 15th National Assembly's 7th session in Hanoi on May 27, clarifying key issues raised by lawmakers regarding proposed amendments to the Law on Social Insurance.
Highlighting the goal of achieving a social insurance coverage of 60% by 2030, he stressed the importance of expanding coverage to achieve this objective, ultimately aiming for a universal and multi-tiered social insurance system.
The minister additionally proposed introducing incentives to discourage one-time withdrawal of social insurance benefits, among others.
The amendments take important strides towards the realisation of Viet Nam’s vision for its social insurance system set forth by Party Resolution No.: 28-NQ/TW (2018). At the same time, bring Viet Nam closer to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in line with International Labour Standards (ILS) and international best practices. The focus on a comprehensive and integrated approach ensures that Viet Nam’s social security system can address current challenges such as digitalization, climate change and population ageing.
Firstly, the amended Law promotes the creation of a true multi-tiered pension system in the country through, the integration of non-contributory pensions into the Law, and the creation of a “mixed” pension for workers with shorter contributory careers.

Secondly, a significant increase in pension coverage is expected, as the minimum period required for pension eligibility is reduced from 20 years to 15 years and the age limit for non-contributory pension is reduced from 80 years to 75 years of age.

Thirdly, the amended Law addresses decisively the issue of lump-sum withdrawals of social insurance contributions for most workers who join social insurance after the Law becomes effective, thus addressing one of the main challenges to social insurance coverage expansion in the country.

Fourthly, the Law extends the compulsory social insurance system legal coverage to new groups of workers, including household business owners, part-time workers and non-salaried managers of enterprises and cooperatives. The Government estimates that about 3 million workers will be covered by this change.

The amended Law has the potential to accelerate coverage expansion in the country whilst strengthening existing benefits for workers. At the same time, it will contribute to the country’s ongoing efforts to promote transitions from informal to formal employment by extending coverage to workers in the “missing middle” and to bring a positive and sustained impact on gender equality in the system.

The revision of the Social Insurance Law has been a long, collaborative process, led by  the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) in close collaboration and consultation with multiple stakeholders, including the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, Viet Nam Social Security (VSS), as well as representatives of social partners, namely the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance (VCA) in representation of workers and employers, respectively, among others. Viet Nam looks forward social insurance coverage, social protection for all people. The ILO support to the Law revision process, since its beginning in 2019, has included sharing of international best practices, provision of technical support and facilitating dialogues with a wide range of stakeholders at national and subnational level. Throughout this collaboration, the ILO social protection work in Viet Nam has benefitted from the financial support of the Government of Australia, the Government of Ireland, the Government of Japan, the European Union and the United Nations Sustainable Development Global Fund.

the vital role social protection plays in Viet Nam’s efforts to balance economic development with social development, in turn contributing to social justice.
In Vietnam, ensuring social protection is always regarded as regular mission of the State and the whole society.universal social protection system will be fundamentally established with requirements: the most of people have job, minimum income; participate in social insurance and ensure to have timely supports to the extreme disadvantages people (children with special disadvantages, elderly people with  low income, people with severely disability, and the poor…), gradually to increase income, to ensure a safe, equal and happy life for people. Particularly, the Article 34 of 2013 Constitution officially announced about the people’s right on social protection.
Specific targets of the social protection system: Aiming to decent job; Enhancing social assistance for people in special difficulties circumstance; Conducting well the policy of social insurance and unemployment insurance; Approaching toward sustainable and comprehensive poverty reduction;