27/07/2021 02:50 PM

In order to best ensure the interests of participants and beneficiaries of social and health insurance during COVID-19 social distancing, local social security agencies have directed to urgently implement numerous flexible and effective in both solving regimes and policies for people in the area and ensuring effective epidemic prevention and control.

27/07/2021 01:20 PM

With the practical meanings of the Health Insurance policy, over the years, the number of Health Insurance participants in our country observed a significant growth and exceeded the set targets. In 2016, the number of Health Insurance participants increased by 11% compared to 2015; in 2015 and 2017, the figure increased by 6-7% each year; in 2018-2020 period, the growth rate was maintained at around 3% per year.

25/07/2021 06:10 PM

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, recently, has issued Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BLDTBXH for a number of regulatory amendments on compulsory social insurance in Circular No. 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH.

25/07/2021 01:35 PM

On July 21st, VSS issued Document No. 2157/BHXH-TST to the Social Security Agencies in provinces, direct-administered municipalities and affiliated departments on the urgent implementation of supporting policies for employees. and employers struggling amid Covid-19 pandemic.

23/07/2021 07:05 PM

Hanoi Social Security Office issued the implementation plan of Directive No. 17/CT-UBND dated Jul 23th 2021 of Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee on implementing social distancing in the locality in order to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic. Accordingly, from Jul 24th 2021, Hanoi Social Security Agency will temporarily suspend receiving dossiers and delivering results in person.

22/07/2021 01:05 PM

Recently, the Prime Minister enacted Decision No. 1160/QD-TTg on approving the Government's Action Progam on the propaganda and promotion of ASEAN.

21/07/2021 09:20 AM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has reduced the rate of premiums for the labour accident and occupational disease insurance fund to zero percent as part of efforts to enable enterprises to support their employees amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

19/07/2021 03:05 PM

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has just issued Official Letter No. 5028/BYT-KHTC guiding the funding source for testing for SARS-CoV-2 virus when increasing testing at medical facilities. Accordingly, the cost of COVID-19 testing is paid based on two sources, including the health insurance fund and the state budget.

Local social security agencies to both fight the epidemic and flexibly and proactively solve regimes and policies

Health Insurance - For the purpose of protecting and enhancing people's health

The odd month calculation of early retirement benefits to be adjusted.

VSS: Mobilizing the entire industry to urgently implement supporting policies for employees and enterprises struggling amid Covid-19 pandemic

Hanoi Social Security Office temporarily suspends receiving dossiers and delivering results from Jul. 24th 2021

PM approves the Action Plan on the propaganda and promotion of ASEAN

Social security sector makes efforts to support pandemic-hit labourers, bussinesses

The cost of enhanced COVID-19 testing is covered by the State Budget and health insurance