Vietnam Social Security guides the implementation of Resolution No. 68 to the enterprises of Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association.
13/08/2021 11:10 AM
On Aug. 9th 2021, VSS sent Official Letter No. 2428/BHXH-TST on implementing policies on supporting employees and employers affected by Covid-19 pandemic in accordance with Government’s Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP to Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association (VCOSA).
Accordingly, replying to the Official Letter No. 54/2021/CV-VCOSA dated on Jul 30th 2021 of Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association on collecting the enterprises’ difficulties in deploying Model 3T and proposing and recommending to the VCOSA’s enterprises affected by the Covid 19 pandemic related to applying the Government’s support policy to the employees and employers; according to functions and duties, VSS has the following ideas:
1. To quickly implement support packages: under Government’s Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated Jul. 1st 2021 on some policies on supporting the employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the regulations under Prime Minister’s Decision No. 23/2021/QĐ-TTg dated Jul 27th 2021, VSS issued documents on instructing the local Social Security Agencies to immediately implement the tasks under VSS’ responsibility and authority, which is to resolve the unit’s dossiers on policy settlement in no more than one working day.
Illustrative image (source: internet)
To support policy on reducing contributions to the Occupational accident and disease fund: The entire VSS implemented and announced the amount from reducing the occupational accidents and diseases premium to the units so that the employers actively support their employees to prevent and control the Covid -19 pandemic under regulation.
2. To reduce or loosen time for social, health and unemployment payment: Based on regulation on Article 1 of Government’s Decree No. 89/2020/NĐ-CP dated Aug 4th 2020 on prescribing the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Vietnam Social Security, VSS has the function of organizing implementation of social and health insurance regimes and policies; organizing the collection of unemployment insurance premiums and payment of unemployment insurance benefits; manage and use social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance funds, etc. in accordance with law. The Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association’s enterprises propose on reducing or loosening time for social, health and unemployment payment has not been regulated and is out of VSS’s authority.
Government’s Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP and Prime Minister’s Decision No. 23/2021/QĐ-TTg regulates: Due to Covid 19 pandemic, employers who fully pay social insurance premium or suspended payment to retirement and survivorship fund by the end of April 2021 leading to a 15% decrease of the number ofsocial insurance participants compared with April 2021 (employees taking leaves, suspending labor contract, unpaid leave agreement), employers and employees are eligible for suspending payment to retirement and survivors fund for 6 months since they summited their dossiers.
VSS requests the Vietnam Cotton and Spinning Association to guide the affiliated units and enterprises to cooperate with social security agencies and related agencies to follow the regulation and the above guidance./.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security