Job title list for Vietnam Social Security
03/02/2024 09:35 AM
On January 25, 2024, the Director General of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) issued Decision No. 33/QD-BHXH approving the job title list for the Social Security sector in Vietnam. The list includes titles for leadership and management, specialized professional civil servants in common use, specialized professional positions, and support and service positions.
The job title list for VSS is developed based on the Decree No. 62/2020/ND-CP dated June 1, 2020 of the Government on job titles and civil servant staffing; Decree No. 106/2020/ND-CP dated September 10, 2020 of the Government on job titles and the number of personnel in public non-business units and the guiding decrees on job titles for leadership and management, common-use professional tasks, and support and service in the administrative agencies of ministries and sectors. Furthermore, it is in accordance with Decree No. 03/2024/ND-CP dated January 11, 2024 of the Government regulating the agency performing the function of sectoral inspection and the activities of the agency assigned to perform the function of sectoral inspection. This also includes guidelines from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the synthesis of recommendations and proposals from subordinate units and local Social Insurance offices after the training conference on building the job title project for the Social Security sector.
Issuance of Job Title List for the Social Security Sector in Vietnam (Illustrative Image)
In the job title list accompanying Decision No. 33/QD-BHXH, the Social Security sector in Vietnam comprises 157 job positions. Among them, 27 titles belong to the leadership and management category, 71 titles are in the specialized professional civil servants in common use category, 53 titles are in the specialized professional titlescategory, and 06 titles are in the support and service category.
Based on the job title list accompanying Decision No. 33/QD-BHXH, the heads of units under the VSS, as well as the Directors of the Social Security in provinces and centrally-run cities, are responsible for developing the project on job positions, job descriptions, and the competency framework for each job title within their respective units. This should ensure compliance with general requirements, align with legal regulations, and adhere to guidelines from competent authorities. The job titles need to be constructed with a high level of generality based on the functions, tasks of each unit, taking into account the complexity, nature, characteristics, scale of activities, professional management procedures, and job tasks corresponding to each position, civil servant rank, and professional title.
Illustrative image (internet)
Furthermore, determining the organizational structure applicable to civil servants who do not hold managerial titles should follow Official Letter No. 64/BNV-CCVC dated January 05, 2024, from the Ministry of Home Affairs, meeting the requirements of "Inheritance and step-by-step adjustments to restructure and enhance the quality of the civil servant, officer, and labor force in units." Boundary definition for each job title is built on the basis of functions, tasks, organizational structure, scope of activities for each unit, workload, and service target audience.
The development and approval of the job title project for units under the VSS, from central to local levels, is a crucial task to ensure the implementation of the job title project and salary policy reform as stipulated. Simultaneously, it serves as a foundation for planning, recruitment, utilization, planning, promotion, training, development, evaluation, and rewards for civil servants and officers in line with their assigned functions and tasks. This includes rearranging and assigning civil servants and officers based on job positions, approved rank structures, meeting requirements and tasks, and innovating management and evaluation methods for civil servants and officers in each position, ensuring scientific, effective, transparent, and accountable utilization of their capabilities and job performance.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security