Dissemination and Legal Education Activities in the Vietnam Social Security Sector in 2023 and Direction, Tasks for 2024
16/02/2024 09:00 AM
In 2023, the dissemination and legal education activities in the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) sector have witnessed significant positive changes both in content and form, contributing to enhancing awareness and compliance with the law among labor-using units and beneficiaries of social security policies such as social, health, and unemployment insurance.
To ensure the quality and effectiveness of the tasks and solutions outlined in Conclusion No. 80-KL/TW dated June 20, 2020, of the Party Central Committee regarding the continued implementation of Directive No. 32-CT/TW dated December 9, 2003, of the Party Central Committee on strengthening the Party's leadership in dissemination and education of legal knowledge, enhancing the legal compliance awareness of cadres, the people, right from the beginning of the year, the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) issued Plan No. 357/KH-BHXH on disseminating legal education in the VSS sector in 2023, specifying tasks and solutions to organize the implementation of legal education.
Illustrative image (internet)
Based on the VSS's legal education plan, all 63 provincial and municipal social security agencies have developed local legal education plans and diligently implemented the tasks outlined in the plans.
Moreover, in response to Vietnam Law Day 2023, the VSS issued Dispatch No. 3292/BHXH-PC requesting units to organize propaganda activities such as banners, posters, electronic signboards with slogans at the VSS headquarters and provincial/municipal social security headquarters, while also conducting a peak communication campaign on social, health, and unemployment insurance policies in October and November 2023, with the peak period from November 1 to November 9, 2023.
Legal education efforts have achieved remarkable results
Implementing Plan No. 357/KH-BHXH, Vietnam Social Security has disseminated notable new legal documents, including: the Insurance Business Law; the Mobile Police Law; amendments to the Law on Intellectual Property; the Cinematography Law; the Residence Law of 2020; Decree No. 104/2022/NĐ-CP dated December 21, 2022, amending some provisions of related decrees regarding the submission and presentation of household registration books, temporary residence books when carrying out administrative procedures, and providing public services; Decree No. 111/2022/NĐ-CP dated December 30, 2022, of the Government on contracts for certain types of work in administrative agencies and public service units; the Anti-Corruption Law of 2018; and Decree No. 59/2019/NĐ-CP (July 1, 2019) of the Government detailing some articles and measures for the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law.
Diverse Forms of Dissemination: The VSS organized 24,275 conferences (including 909 online conferences) attended by 1,352,585 workers and 42,335 officials and employees in the sector. The number of news articles and reports posted on mass media reached 271,752 (a 5% increase compared to the previous year), with 8,654,002 leaflets, posters, banners distributed (equivalent to the previous year).
Digital Communication: The VSS produced and published over 3,200 articles and documents on social insurance policies, unemployment insurance, health insurance, and sector activities on its official website and social media platforms, achieving 280 posts on its Facebook page (an increase of 700,000 views compared to 2022) and over 500 articles on its Zalo account (an increase of 13,000 views compared to 2022).
Professional Development: In 2023, 167 legal reporters were officially recognized and trained by competent authorities. Collaborations with the Department of Justice and Provincial People's Committees led to the organization of 11 online and offline legal competitions.
Innovative Approaches: New models and methods of legal education were developed and implemented, diversifying activities to suit different audiences and locations, resulting in a significant shift in compliance awareness among labor-using units and beneficiaries of social security policies.
For 2024, the VSS aims to further enhance the quality and effectiveness of legal education efforts, aligning with the political tasks of the sector, with a comprehensive, in-depth approach linking legal education with policy development and law enforcement.
Content-wise, the focus will be on timely dissemination of new laws passed by the National Assembly in 2024, legal documents related to administrative violations, and VSS guidance on social, health, and unemployment insurance policies.
In terms of format, there will be a diversification of dissemination methods, placing people at the center of propaganda efforts, providing support, clarification, advice, and information to enhance their understanding of social security policies.
Furthermore, there will be increased use of information technology, actively implementing digital transformation, and leveraging the power of social networks in legal education activities. Emphasis will be placed on integrating legal education content into conference programs, workshops, and communication products./.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security