Strengthening Communication Efforts to Enhance Awareness and Foster Consensus in Implementing Administrative Reform
30/08/2023 10:55 AM
This is one of the contents that Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has directed some units and social security branches of centrally governed provinces and cities to implement in Official Letter No. 2371/BHXH-PC dated August 2, 2023, regarding urging and implementing certain administrative reform tasks in the near future.
Illustrative image (VSS)
Based on Official Letter No. 3668/BNV-CCHC dated July 13, 2023, from the Ministry of Home Affairs on urging and implementing certain administrative reform tasks in the near future, the VSS requires some units and social security branches of provinces and cities to carry out the following tasks:
Continuously promote the comprehensive implementation of administrative reform contents as regulated in Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP issued by the Government on the overall program of state administrative reform for the period 2021-2030 and Plan No. 3035/KH-BHXH dated September 28, 2021, on implementing the overall program of state administrative reform for the period 2021-2030 of the VSS sector. Strictly implement the Prime Minister's directives on enhancing administrative reform, improving the responsibility of leaders in administrative procedure reform, contributing to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of state management, improving the quality of public services, and increasing the satisfaction of citizens and organizations with the services provided by the VSS sector.
Reviewing, simultaneously implementing resolute measures to effectively accomplish the objectives and tasks in the 2023 Administrative Reform Plan of the VSS and the social security branches of provinces and cities.
Illustrative image (internet)
Proactively proposing measures to reduce and simplify regulations, administrative procedures (including internal and delegated administrative procedures). Linking the implementation of administrative procedure reform tasks with the deployment of Project 06 and the National Digital Transformation Program, promoting the application of information technology and digital transformation in handling administrative procedures, and enhancing communication efforts to raise awareness and foster consensus in implementation.
Continuing to strictly adhere to disciplinary and financial regulations, anti-negative phenomena, and corruption prevention. Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of financial and asset management, accounting, ensuring transparency, accountability, and thorough cost-saving measures from the planning and budgeting stages to implementation.
Regularly organizing work inspections, strictly addressing and publicly disclosing cases of delays and inconveniences to citizens and businesses. Measures should be taken to prevent and handle situations in which officials evade, avoid, or fear responsibilities in performing their duties and tasks. Researching appropriate mechanisms and policies to encourage and protect officials who dare to think, dare to act, dare to take responsibility, and dare to make breakthroughs for the common good.
*Administrative procedures are necessary to accomplish administrative purposes smoothly and to protect citizen rights by ensuring administrative fairness, transparency, and trustworthiness by allowing citizens to participate in the administrative process. After long legislative efforts, .the Administrative Procedure Act was established on December 31, 1996 (Act No. 5241), which was then implemented in January 1, 1998. (according to Seoul Legal Administration Services)
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security