About 27.5 million citizens have their social insurance information synchronized

28/11/2022 09:18 AM

Information at the National Online Conference to review the 1-month implementation of the peak period "90 days and nights to deploy solutions to ensure the completion of targets for the provisions of the Law on Residence in 2020" (according to Plan No. 6674 on October 2, 2022) and deployed to prevent and fight crime and law violations on weapons, explosives, supporting tools and firecrackers during the Lunar New Year 2023, recently organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The report at the conference stated, after 1 month of opening the peak phase of "90 days and nights of implementing solutions to ensure the completion of targets to serve the provisions of the Residence Law 2020", the police of provinces and cities nationwide have issued plans and well implemented the objectives and requirements set out by the Ministry of Public Security. Accordingly, 3,315,544 online residence applications and 6,856,506 face-to-face applications were received, reaching 32.6%.

As of October 31, the Ministry of Public Security has connected and shared official data with 12 ministries and branches; 01 state-owned enterprise, 04 telecommunications enterprises and 15 localities. As a result, 27,485,278 citizens have synchronized social insurance information; granted 1,311,523 out of 8.876,168 citizen identity cards (reaching nearly 15%). Also in the same month, the total number of electronic identification records transmitted to the Central Government reached 13,183,991, an increase of 1,768,237 compared to October 3. The number of approved applications reached 90% of the total number of received records; and the number of activated accounts is 1,290,741, reaching 10.8%.

At the conference, Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Duy Ngoc suggested that the heads of police at all levels must strengthen and maintain high political determination in the implementation of Project 06. It is necessary to determine that this is the legal responsibility, work order and honor of the police force. According to Ngoc, in order to promote the provision of online services, grassroots officials at commune and ward level and above must have electronic identification as soon as possible, and proficiently perform authentic online public service operations on the VNeID system, with a view to propagating and guiding the people.

Nearly 27.5 million citizens have their social insurance information synchronized.

For the task group on socio-economic development and digital citizenship, Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Ngoc suggested a number of contents, including the provision of social security accounts to electronically pay benefits to policy beneficiaries; medical facilities shall use chip-based ID cards to integrate health insurance in medical treatment; birth and death registration in the electronic environment, etc.

Over the past time, the VSS has cooperated with the Ministry of Public Security to authenticate citizens' information, deploy the use of citizen identity cards, and the application of national electronic identification (VNeID) to replace paper health insurance cards, creating convenience for people so that they do not have to carry many types of documents when going for medical care.

Earlier, the VSS proactively developed a technical plan to be able to share data within the scope of Decree No. 43/2021/ND-CP, in order to build an electronic health book in the direction of instructions of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health; completed the technical connection to be ready to provide information to the VNeID application of the Ministry of Public Security. Once the regulations are issued, the VSS coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health to officially deploy on the electronic environment.

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In order to effectively implement Project 06, the VSS always focuses on leading, directing and investing all optimal resources to seriously and drastically implement the work contents. Accordingly, it has adjusted and upgraded the software to look up health insurance card information with a chip-mounted ID card to serve the medical treatment procedures covered by health insurance; synchronize ID card numbers from the national population database with the data of participants in health insurance managed by the VSS.

The VSS has also issued Plan No. 2207/KH-BHXH on implementing and updating the participants' citizen identity card numbers in the database that the social security agency managed, installed and approved the use of the VssID application. Specifically, all participants of social and health insurance are granted social insurance codes, which are updated and supplemented with personal registration numbers and citizen identity numbers in sync with population data. Besides, the VSS combines the updating, supplementing and authentication of the database of social and health insurance participants with the population database and the registration, installation, approval and use of the VssID application.

The VSS aims to reach 90-100% of the participants of social and health insurance by the end of this year to have their information synchronized with population data; and strives to reach 35 million people receiving approval and using the VssID application.

Recently, the VSS continues to send an official dispatch to the Government Office on the implementation of the use of electronic identification accounts. Accordingly, Vietnam Social Security, the function "Login through the National Public Service Portal" has been added to meet the requirement of logging in with an electronic identity account issued by the Ministry of Public Security via the Electronic Identity Exchange Platform on the National Public Service Portal./.