19/06/2021 10:35 AM

On June 15, in Hanoi, the World Bank in Vietnam held an online technical exchange conference on DRG. At the conference, the opinions focused on discussing the following topics: Policies to improve the relevance of hospital admission decisions and Research on reducing hospitalization rates by enhancing primary health care for some ambulatory care sensitive conditions in the Vietnamese health system.

17/06/2021 02:30 PM

In the draft amended Law on Social Insurance, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs proposes to add more participants to compulsory social insurance for a number of groups with conditions and abilities not yet specified in the law.

17/06/2021 12:30 PM

According to Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP of the Government stipulating social assistance policies for social protection beneficiaries, from July 1, 2021, the standard social allowance will be adjusted to 360,000 VND/month, replacing the current amount of 270,000 VND.

16/06/2021 09:30 AM

In order to continue to create convenience for people when registering, installing and using VssID - the digital social insurance application, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just upgraded the app to version 1.5.5, adding a number of features and enhancing performance and user experience, as well as bug fixes for the previous version.

15/06/2021 01:55 PM

After 5 years implementing no inpatient referral requirements at district healthcare providers, the regulation for no inpatient referral requirements at provincial healthcare providers has come into effect since 1st January 2021. Though it is expected to create more favorable conditions for the hospitalized beneficiaries; it also poses several challenges for healthcare providers and health insurance funds.

15/06/2021 01:00 PM

On June 9, at the headquarters of Vietnam Social Security (VSS), Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu had a meeting with affiliated units on the implementation of propaganda and development of participants of social and health insurance via livestreaming on some social networking services. Attending the meeting were representatives of Vietnam Post Corporation.

07/06/2021 05:38 PM

VSS issued Official Letter 1537/BHXH-CSYT (Jun 2nd 2020) to give a guidance of Covid test payment with health insurance benefits

07/06/2021 09:37 AM

On June 1st , VSS issued Official Letter No. 1511/BHXH-CSXH, asking Social Security of provinces and centrally-run cities to tighten management and approval for sickness and maternity benefits payment.

Enhancing the relevance of hospitalization in Vietnamese health systems

Adding more compulsory social insurance participants

Increasing allowance for elderly without pension from July 1, 2021

VssID version 1.5.5: More useful features

No inpatient referral requirements at provincial healthcare providers benefits the beneficiaries

VSS deploys livestream to propagate voluntary social insurance and household-based health insurance

[INFOGRAPHIC] Covid 19 test covered by health insurance

VSS requires localities to strengthen management and approval for sickness and maternity benefits.