VSS: Mobilizing the entire industry to urgently implement supporting policies for employees and enterprises struggling amid Covid-19 pandemic

25/07/2021 01:35 PM

On July 21st, VSS issued Document No. 2157/BHXH-TST to the Social Security Agencies in provinces, direct-administered municipalities and affiliated departments on the urgent implementation of supporting policies for employees. and employers struggling amid Covid-19 pandemic.

On the same day, VSS also issued Decision No. 722/QD-BHXH on the establishment of Permanent Mission delegation to supervise, urge and resolve difficulties due to Covid-19 pandemic in: implementing the Government’s Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021; implementing Health Insurance policies and the task of Social Security Agencies in 19 provinces and cities.

With the implementation of the Government's Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 on certain policies to support employees and employers in difficulty due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Resolution No. 68); Decision No. 23/2021/QD-TTg dated July 07, 2021 of the PM on implementing supporting policies to  employees and employers hit by the Covid-19 pandemic (Decision No. 23),  recently, the entire VSS has taken great efforts to implement the policy and initially accomplished certain results.

VSS’s outstanding achievements were the development of working procedures and the consistency of internal implementation guidance; VSS rapidly announced the contribution reduction to the Occupational Accidents and Diseases Fund by 375,000 units, with over 11.2 million employees, timely supporting enterprises overcome difficulties and support employees in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Illustrative image (source: internet)

Upon the spirit to keep accompanying enterprises and employees to overcome difficulties, to successfully implement together the dual goal of "promoting socio-economy and effectively preventing Covid-19 pandemic”, VSS General Director Nguyen The Manh asked Heads of Social Security Agencies in provinces and direct-administered municipalities to direct the implementation of activities as follows:

First, to grasp thoroughly bureaucrats, government officials and employees to comply with regulations of the Government, Prime Minister, Ministries, People's Committees of provinces, cities and VSS in the implementation of the Government’s supporting policies for enterprises and employees that is considered as a central and crucial political task, which should be implemented as priorities of the entire industry in the current period.

Secondly, to closely coordinate with local Departments, report to the People's Committees of provinces and cities on of the direction and guidance solutions for enterprises and employees, implement the policies to promptly overcome problems, or to report, provide recommendations for local authorities to solve arising problems, bringing the most favorable conditions for employees and enterprises.

Third, to assign, monitor, capture, urge and guide enterprises struggling amid Covid-19 pandemic to prepare dossiers solution for the temporary suspension of contributions to the retirement and survivorship fund under regulations. Additional procedures and documents out of those specified in Decision No. 23 are prohibited; procedure deadline, inadequate documents or errors needs to be notified and guided to avoid processing dossiers multiple times.

Fourth, to closely coordinate with the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to handle relevant procedures as regulated. When the decision on support for training, retraining and improvement of vocational skills to maintain jobs for the Deparment’s employees according to Article 12, Decision No. 23/2021/QD-TTg dated July 07, 2021 of PM is received, supporting funds on training and retraining to improve vocational skills for employees is immediately transferred to enterprises in order to maintain enterprises.

Fifth, to promptly confirm the lists of employees with temporarily suspended labor contracts or taken unpaid leave; stopped working employees; dismissed employees affected by Covid-19 pandemic and employees who have been proposed by the employers to borrow money to pay wages for production recovery, under  Decision No. 23/2021/QĐ-TTg so that they have sufficient dossiers to request authorized agencies to implement supportive policies for their stable lives, or capital-borrowing to maintain and develop production and business activities of the enterprise.

Simultaneously, VSS also requires the entire social insurance system to promote timely and fully information of the implementation results of supporting policies under the authority of the Social Insurance Agency; to strengthen the consultancy, guidance and problem-solving services for employees and enterprises in benefitting the Government's supporting policies; to promptly complete the software’s functions (if any), immediately respond to the implementation of support policies and the management, synthesis, statistics and reports under regulations...

In the spirit of urgently implementing Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP, VSS General Director Nguyen The Manh decided to establish VSS Permanent Mission delegation led by Deputy General Director Pham Luong Son and representatives of the heads of affiliated departments and Social Security Agencies in 19 provinces and direct-administered municipalities (according to Official Dispatch No. 969/TTg-KGVX of the Prime Minister regarding the imposition of social distancing measure for pandemic prevention and control in a number of localities). Permanent Mission delegation will emphasize on the following topics:

- Supervise, urge, resolve difficulties, provide synthesis reports on the implementation situation: Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP; Health Insurance policy and organize the industry's task performance at local level.

- Work, exchange and collaborate with provincial leaders; and simultaneously adopt recommendations and suggestions from the locality to resolve difficulties within the scope of the industry’s functions and missions.

Illustrative image (source: internet)

It can be stated that, as soon as the Government issued Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP and the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 23/2021/QD-TTg, VSS has urgently and decisively implemented many solutions to carry out relevant tasks in a proactive and timely manner, with the greatest target of offering the Government's supporting policies to each participant and beneficiary of the social insurance and unemployment insurance policy; to ensure that the relevant dossiers processing is implemented in more convenient way and in the fastest time, bringing the maximum facilitation for employers and employees.

Thereby, as a role of an agency to organize and implement policies on Social Insurance, Health Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, VSS has contributed to solve difficulties for units and enterprises, ensuring social security, and responding to the Covid-19 epidemic in accordance with the Government and the Prime Minister’s direction./.