Businesses caught owing social insurance contributions via VssID application then has paid more than 2 billion for employees

21/05/2021 07:55 PM

Thanks to VssID - Digital Social Insurance application, by looking up the process of participating and contributing social and health insurance premiums on it, 20 employees of Hung Hau Agriculture Joint Stock Company (Sa Dec Industrial Park - Sa Dec city, Dong Thap province) found out the company on purpose delayed their payment of social and health insurance premiums. Facing the specific evidence and data on the VssID application, these employees actively requested the Company's Board of Directors to handle the amount of social, health and unemployment insurance contributions that were unpaid by the Company. Especially, with the participation of the Sa Dec Social Security Office and the trade union, by the afternoon of May 20, 2021, this company has overcome all debts of social, health and unemployment insurance with an amount of more than 2 billion dong, so that the rights of more than 170 employees have been ensured in accordance with regulations.

Directly support people and businesses to install and use the VssID application in Ho Chi Minh City

Regarding the issue of debt to social, health and unemployment insurance premiums of Hung Hau Agriculture Joint Stock Company, Mr. Tang Phuoc Long - Director of Sa Dec Social Security Office said that this company has been urged and constantly reminded by the social insurance agency about the payment of social, health and unemployment insurance premiums for employees. As of April 27, it still owes the contributions to more than 170 employees with an amount of more than 2 billion VND, of which 73 employees have quit but have not been confirmed by the enterprise on the time of payment of social insurance premiums as the basis for settlement of social and unemployment insurance benefits.

Recently, right after receiving the request to support 20 employees of the Hung Hau Agriculture Joint Stock Company, the Sa Dec Social Security Office actively joined the working group led by the Management Board of the Industrial Park to work with the business. At the meeting, the Company's leaders pledged to pay all debts of social, health and unemployment insurance to settle policies for the employees. In addition, the social insurance agency also spoke about information on the utility of the VssID application as well as requested that the business and the employees install and use the application to monitor the process of participating and enjoying policies on social, health and unemployment insurance in a public and transparent manner.

The Sa Dec Social Security Office gives guidance to install and use the VssID application for employees at the Sa Dec Industrial Park (Source: Vietnam Social Security)

As a result, from May 16, 2021 to May 20, 2021, after four money transfers, the Hung Hau Agriculture Joint Stock Company has paid the entire debt of social, health and unemployment insurance premiums for more than 170 employees with the amount of 2,078,875,751 VND.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Thu - Deputy Director of Dong Thap Social Security Office said that the arrears of more than 2 billion dong of the enterprise's debt will be added to the payment time to close the social insurance book to pay the social insurance regimes for employees by the Dong Thap Social Security Office; Besides, the amount of UI contributions will also be added up to the "adjacent month" when the employees quit so that they are eligible to receive unemployment benefits.

Expressing her gratitude to 20 colleagues who helped her indirectly claim the social insurance benefits by installing the VssID application, Ms. Lan, a female worker among the 73 retired employees, said: "If our time to participate in social insurance is added up enough, we will not lose the number of months we have paid, besides, we will also be supported to receive unemployment insurance to solve difficulties. I and my friends just talked to each other that, in the new company, as soon as it is stable, we will ask everyone to install the VssID application, because of the practical effects in tracking the process of participating and benefiting from social, health and unemployment insurance with our workers have been proven very clearly through this incident."

Use the VssID application to self-monitor the process of participating in and enjoying one's own social, health and unemployment insurance policies.

Thus, through the above case, it shows the necessity and effectiveness of installing VssID application for employees in actively monitoring and supervising the process of participating and enjoying social, health and unemployment insurance policies. The VssID application will help employees look up and track the information on contribution-enjoyment of social, health and unemployment insurance, medical treatment history, etc. from there actively manage the information and directly supervise to ensure one's own benefits. With that practical meaning, the Vietnam's Social Insurance industry has been making efforts so that people and employees throughout the country 

will install the application. By the end of May 16, 2021 (after 6 months of putting the VssID application into use), there were more than 6.44 million downloads, installations, and registrations to use the application nationwide, with more than 5.6 million valid records were approved, and the application has also received many positive reviews from users.

Through this incident, Vietnam Social Security would like to send the participants of social, health and unemployment insurance a message: Please install and use the VssID application to self-monitor your own process of participating in and enjoying social, unemployment and health insurance policies.