VssID helps to discover frauds and protecting workers at risks of losing unemployment benefits

15/05/2021 10:00 AM

The application of information services on the mobile platform VssID of Viet Nam Social Security has been clearly demonstrating a good tool for protecting employees and insurers since it was put on operation in December 2020.

Illustrated image (source: internet)

A newly reported case said that the patient Nguyen Thi Huyen herself through VssID application on her mobile phone discovered a fraud on healthcare services provided on her name. She firmingly said that she visited the doctor on that day but did not use any service, however she saw her reimbursement claim of 104.900 VND that the health care provider submitted to Thanh Hoa Provincial Social Security Office for reimbursement. Without VssID such a case is rarely found from the demand side. The fact in this case actually tells us that we would no longer trust completely on health care providers without strict monitoring procedures to avoid avoidable abuse, evasion and fraud. 

Illustrated image (source: internet)

Relating to pension, unemployment and such similar schemes, VssID tools could also contribute greatly on protecting the members particularly those who are at risk of unemployment due to Covid-19 pandemic. 20 employees in Dong Thap province, after having VssID on their mobile platform, they found that their social security contribution have not been paid to the Dong Thap Provincial Social Security Office yet, which means they are not qualified for unemployment benefits. They lately reveal that the employer held their collected contribution but does not paid to the fund holder. Checking the work records of enrollees, Dong Thap Provincial Social Security Office found out that not only 20 workers of this company who claim to fulfill their payment record but 73 others who stop working for the company also suffering employers’ ignorance paying contribution for the time they worked for the company. One of the 73 ignorant employees said “Thanks to VssID and all efforts of our 20 claimant employees, we would take back all our contribution which is nearly missing in our work record. The winning back contribution hold by the employees paid to the fund holder is very critical for me both in term of cumulative years of work and qualification for unemployment benefits especially while we are at risk of unemployment under Covid-19 pandemic. On the company side, they comply absolutely the decision made by the Dong Thap Provincial Social Security Office to pay back 2,078 billion VND for all contribution hold at the company so that their 20 employees would be entitled to unemployment benefits.

Having VSssID on the mobile-phone or other platform is a very helpful tool for the employee and insurer to chase and monitor employees’ work record, health care services and improve intermobility and transaction between all actors, helping related stakeholders to protect and assure the service quality provided to the members.