VSS: Further strengthening measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic throughout the Industry

04/05/2021 03:30 PM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just issued Official Letter No. 1098/BHXH-VP to affiliates of the VSS and the social insurance agencies of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces on continuing to strengthen measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic.

The official dispatch stated: According to the assessment of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the epidemic situation in the world is currently very complicated and the number of new cases and deaths has again risen in many countries around the world; including a number of neighboring countries that share the southwestern border of our country, so there is a high risk of an epidemic re-outbreak in the country.


                                                                                                       Illustrative image (source: internet)

Therefore, implementing the Official Letter No. 541/CD-TTg dated April 23, 2021 of the Prime Minister on strengthening measures to prevent and control COVID-19; Document No. 81/TB-VPCP dated April 26, 2021 of the Government Office announcing the Conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Standing meeting of the Government on COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control; in order to proactively strengthen disease prevention measures, the VSS has required its affiliated units and the social insurance agencies of provinces and centrally-run cities (collectively referred to as the provincial social insurance agencies) to focus on implementing some of the following contents:

1. To thoroughly grasp and seriously, fully and promptly implement the guiding documents and instructions of the Government, the Prime Minister, the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health, VSS and other guiding documents and instructions of the local authorities and committees in the area on epidemic prevention and control; to further enhance vigilance against epidemic risks; to uphold the responsibility of the head of the agency or unit; to continue to seriously, synchronously and effectively implement COVID-19 prevention measures at agencies and units. Heads of agencies and units shall be responsible for the epidemic transmission among civil servants and employees due to failure to strictly comply with regulations on epidemic prevention and control at the office and organize the performance of the tasks to ensure the interests of the units, enterprises, and participants in social, health and unemployment insurance.

2. To regularly inspect and urge the implementation of prevention measures among agencies and units; Especially for departments, civil servants and employees shall regularly contact and solve the tasks with organizations and individuals; to promptly apply strict handling or report to competent agencies against organizations and individuals that violate regulations on epidemic prevention and control.

3. To continue to limit the organization of unnecessary crowd-gathering activities; in cases of organizing, measures need to be strictly implemented to ensure safety against the epidemic, especially to wear a mask, or use disinfection, etc. in accordance with regulations.

4. In case an epidemic infection case arises or there is a risk of infection (F1, F2, F3, etc.) within the scope of management of an agency or unit, it is necessary to focus on implementing and immediately applying measures to isolate, localize and respond to the epidemic in accordance with the direction and guidance of health agencies and local authorities. At the same time, to proactively formulate plans and flexibly arrange staff and employees in accordance with the actual local situation; to receive and handle administrative procedures; to promptly and flexibly settle the collection of premiums of social, health and unemployment insurance; to issue and extend health insurance cards; payment of regimes and policies on social, health and unemployment insurance; to ensure the best interests of participants in accordance with the instruction and guidance documents of VSS.

5. The civil servants and employees in the whole Industry shall strictly grasp and raise more awareness and consciousness about epidemic prevention and control; promote the role and responsibility of each individual in protecting and improving the health of themselves, family and community; limit gathering and participation of events and activities in crowds; strictly comply with the 5K requirement of the Ministry of Health (especially to wear a mask when dealing with organizations and individuals, in public places, in crowded places, and on public transportation vehicles, etc.). In cases the civil servants and employees have gone to, arrived at or returned from areas or locations with epidemics or have the symptoms or risk of infection (F1, F2, F3, etc.), they must strictly follow the medical declaration and measures to isolate and prevent the epidemic in accordance with the instructions of health authorities and local authorities; At the same time, to immediately inform the heads of the units to take timely measures to handle the disease infection situation at the agency or unit. The General Director also asked heads of units and directors of social insurance of provinces and cities to seriously implement the above contents. If there is any epidemic case arising at the units or localities, promptly synthesize and report to the VSS (the Office) and competent agencies according to regulations./.