Instructions on e-transaction account registration to use the VssID - Digital Social Insurance application for more than 250 agencies and employers in Da Nang

24/04/2021 07:55 PM

On April 19, in Da Nang, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) held a Conference on consultation, dialogues and instructions on registration of electronic transaction accounts to use the VssID - Digital Social Insurance application. Attending the conference were representatives of the Customer Service Center; IT Center; Department of Social Insurance and Health Insurance Implementation; Da Nang Social Security Office and more than 250 agencies and units in Da Nang City.


Speaking at the Conference, Mrs. Duong Ngoc Anh, Deputy Director of Customer Service Center (VSS), said that VssID - Digital Social Insurance is an application on a mobile device platform, which helps participants of social, health and unemployment insurance to access information and perform public services, step by step replacing paper social insurance books and health insurance cards.

Representatives of the professional departments of VSS attended the Conference

After a period of being put into use, VSS has continuously upgraded applications, added utilities, and enhanced user experience such as: adjusting the function of using health insurance cards on the application; online public service integration; connecting the notification system on VssID with the SMS message system to increase the interaction between the app users with the social insurance agency, etc. In particular, recently the application has the option to use multiple languages (Vietnamese, English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese) to meet the requirements of international integration in the field of social security.

Delegates attending the conference

At the conference, the representative of the IT Center (VSS) gave basic information about the features and utilities of the VssID application such as: Personal management - Health insurance card, participation process, enjoyment information, management medical examination and treatment books; online public services; online lookup; information about the policy; feedback and recommendations, etc. These information were discussed actively by delegates attending the conference; numerous questions were promptly and fully answered by the VSS.

In addition to the positive reviews for the application, through monitoring and operating the application, VSS has always expressed the progressive spirit by listening to the comments and feedback from units in the industry, or directly from users (on application stores), or through social networks, media and press agencies, thereby, further improving the quality of the application while providing more and more features and utilities for people on VssID.

In the coming time, VSS will continue to build and issue regulations on the management and operation of VssID; review and perfect features and interfaces to improve user experience. In particular, it will integrate utilities such as: calculating contribution rates of voluntary social insurance, household-based health insurance, and health insurance for pupils and students; calculating the enjoyment rate of pension and social insurance allowance for participants eligible for enjoyment; adding features and utilities to periodically remind medication schedules and re-medical check-ups, etc. By VssID, participants of social, health and unemployment insurance are expected to be aware of the participation and policy enjoyment process, to self-monitor and protect their welfare rights on the smart phone device.

Some pictures taken at the Conference:

The representative of the Department of Health Insurance  Implementation delivered a speech at the Conference

Delegates attending the conference shared questions

The tables in charge of giving instructions to register accounts for delegates participated right at the Conference

Delegates attending the conference shared questions