Hanoi Party Committee: Giving directions to develop the social security system and improve social welfare

24/03/2021 10:50 AM

Hanoi Party Committee has just issued the Program No. 08-CTr/TU on developing the social security system, improving social welfare, and the quality of life of the people living in the capital in the period of 2021-2025.


Photo: Internet

Accordingly, in the period of 2021 - 2025, the city sets an unemployment rate target of below 3%, creating jobs for 160,000 people in a year. The rate of employees participating in social insurance over the working force in the age group to reach 50%, in which the rate of employees participating in compulsory social insurance to reach 47%; the rate of employees participating in voluntary social insurance to reach 3%; the rate of employees participating in unemployment insurance over the labor force in working age to reach 40%; the health coverage rate to reach 95%.

Along with that, the city sets the basic goal of no longer will there be poor households of the city's poverty line; at the same time to maintain 100% of people eligible for social protection to enjoy monthly benefits and health insurance cards according to regulations. To step by step raise the standards of social allowance and reduce the age of the elderly enjoying social allowances.

To achieve the set objectives, the city focuses on training and improving the quality of human resources, especially high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of the national digital transformation, international integration and the fourth industrial revolution. To focus on retraining and regular training. To organize vocational training programs, especially for rural workers.

In addition, the city has synchronously implemented solutions to firmly expand coverage of social, health and unemployment insurance, towards the goal of universal social and health insurance. To strengthen solutions and measures to overcome the situation of social insurance contributions and evasion to ensure benefits and regimes on social, health and unemployment insurance for employees; to focus on tightly controlling costs of medical examination and treatment under health insurance; to strengthen prevention and control of abusive and profiteering behaviours from the social and health insurance funds.

The city focuses on synchronous implementation of policies and measures to rapidly and sustainably alleviate poverty, and to replicate effective poverty reduction models. At the same time, to develop a comprehensive social security system, towards covering the entire population, expanding beneficiaries of policies and social protection beneficiaries, and gradually reducing the age of the elderly enjoying social allowance, raising the level of social subsidy and the monthly support level suitable to the socio-economic development situation and the ability to balance the budget of the City.

The city will develop a diversified and flexible social service system in both quality and quantity and in a professional and modern manner, meeting the needs and accessibility of groups of objects, especially the disadvantaged and ethnic minority people. To promote socialization and encourage the development of health care services, education and training, and care facilities for the elderly, people with disabilities and orphans. To effectively implement social policy credit programs, arrange local budgets entrusted through the Social Policy Bank of Vietnam every year to supplement loans in order to meet the needs of poor households and other policy beneficiaries, contributing to creating jobs and stable income and improving the quality of life of the people./.