Digitization of results of administrative procedures: Ensuring transparency and data interconnection throughout the industry

24/03/2021 10:18 AM

On March 17, Deputy General Director Le Hung Son had a working session with units directly under the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) on the digitization of the results of valid administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the Vietnam Social Security.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy General Director Le Hung Son emphasized that the Vietnamese social insurance industry has the functions and tasks to collect, settle and pay social and health insurance benefits for people and employees. As a result, the management and archiving of records is of particular importance. Therefore, the digitization of record data will help the social insurance agency ensure accuracy when retrieving information and linking processing results in the shortest time.

According to the Deputy General Director, at present, basically the records and documents of the industry have been digitized electronically; however, there are still valid results of administrative procedures of years ago yet to be fully updated. Therefore, the earlier the digitization is carried out, the more convenient the task of archiving will be in the future for industry staff.

Reporting on the process of implementing the task, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc - Director of the Archives Center said, the Center has developed a draft guiding document to send to affiliated units and the local social insurance agencies reporting on the list of names and types of the valid results of administrative procedures that need digitizing and come under the jurisdiction of the industry. On that basis, the Archives Center will coordinate with the IT Center and the Office to review and eliminate the results of the administrative complaint settlement issued in paper and electronically issued; complete the draft list of documents of results of resolving administrative procedures that have been issued in paper from 2018-2020.

Overview image of the meeting

Implementing the Government's Decree on implementing administrative procedures in the electronic environment, VSS has issued the Plan No. 3030/KH-BHXH dated September 24, 2020 on digitizing the results of valid administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of VSS to ensure data sharing in settling administrative procedures in the electronic environment. Thereby, strengthening the centralized management of data on the settlement results of administrative procedures of VSS in the Electronic Document Archive System of the Vietnam's Social Insurance industry.

Through statistics and review of the volume of documents to be digitized at the provincial social insurance agency, it shows that the results of the administrative procedures in the past 3 years accounted for a large volume of paper copies, with a number of 55,186,215 copies. Therefore, according to Ngoc, the implementation of digitizing documents nowadays has been facing a number of shortcomings and difficulties. In order to solve them, the Archives Center has proposed to create list the results of handling administrative procedures from January 2018 to February 2021 to add record data or copies of electronic documents to the Electronic One-Stop-Shop (OSS) Information System ensuring full document composition and integrity of administrative procedures.

For the valid results of the administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the VSS issued in paper, from March 1, 2021 onwards, the OSS department once receives the results of the administrative procedures from the professional department will scan and archive the electronic records, then update to the database of the Electronic OSS Information System (attached to each subject) according to Decision No. 2192/QD-BHXH issued earlier.

At the meeting, representatives of the affiliated units discussed, evaluated and proposed solutions to complete the digitization of documents of the Industry, including results of valid administrative procedures under the jurisdiction for settlement.

Giving a conclusion of the meeting, Son requested the Archives Center to closely coordinate with the IT Center, the Office and related units to speed up the implementation of the assigned tasks; to urgently develop a specific plan to promulgate a digitalization process with the aim of digitizing all fields related to the Industry in all business processes and internal archives, along with a proposed step-by-step roadmap.

At the same time, Son also requested the units to set up groups to go to the localities to survey and study to synthesize and follow the reality to advise the industry leaders. "The implementation of the above tasks needs to be done immediately to ensure the set schedule and pilot implementation in 3 provinces from July 1. The IT Center shall continue to research, supplement and upgrade softwares of digitizing archives, in order to ensure transparency and data interconnection of the whole industry" - emphasized the Deputy General Director./.