An overall review of tax and insurance policies for people to enjoy the achievements of development

22/03/2021 09:01 AM

On the afternoon of March 15, in Hanoi, a meeting of the Central Steering Committee on implementing the democratic regulations at grassroots level took place to give advice and guidance on a number of key tasks and plans to inspect the implementation of the democratic regulations at grassroots level in 2021. Delivering a speech, Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Vu Duc Dam emphasized, along with the criterion "people are aware, people discuss, people do, people check, people supervise", the 13th National Party Congress' Resolution emphasizes the goal of "beneficiaries". Since then, agencies, Party Civil Affairs Committees, the Government, ministries and branches shall conduct an overall reviewon the tax policy, insurance policy, capital construction investment directions, investment in mountainous and remote areas, investment in education, health, culture, etc. in accordance with the socialist orientation, so that people can enjoy the development achievements.

Vu Duc Dam - Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and Head of the National Steering Committee gave a speech at the meeting. Photo: Internet

At the meeting, Deputy Director of the Central Commission for Mass Mobilization Nguyen Lam said, the key tasks of implementing the 2021 grassroots democracy regulation to effectively implement Conclusion 120-KL/TW dated January 7, 2016 of the 6th Politburo on "Continuing to promote and improve the quality and efficiency of building and implementing the democratic regulations at the grassroots level" associated with the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

The Central Commission for Mass Mobilization shall continue to thoroughly grasp and raise awareness and responsibility of the Party Committees at all levels and party organizations in the political system, especially the heads of all levels, the party committees, authorities, the political system, officials and party members at the grassroots level. The key task is to focus on the views of Directive 30-CT/TW dated December 18, 1998 of the 8th Politburo on "Establishing and implementing the democratic regulation at the grassroots level", the task in Conclusion No. 120-KL/TW and the people's mastery in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress. The tasks to ensure state power belongs to the people according to the Platform on National Construction in the period of transition to socialism (supplemented and developed, 2011) and the 2013 Constitution; to effectively implement direct democracy, representative democracy and the motto "people are aware, people discuss, people do, people check, people supervise, people enjoy".

In addition, the people's significant role continues to be affirmed and highly valued in the country's development strategy and the building and defending progress; at the same time, to raise awareness among all strata of people about the Party's views and guidelines and the State's legal policies; to arouse creativity and resources among the people; to promptly and strictly handle organizations and individuals taking advantage of democracy, causing internal disturbances or harming the people's mastery, etc. in the new period.

The Deputy Head of the Central Commission for Mass Mobilization emphasized, in the coming time, the implementation of the mechanism of direct and representative democracy shall ensure publicity, transparency and responsibility, in particular, encourage people to promote their roles and responsibilities, actively participating in the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the term 2021-2026; strengthen the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Party's views and undertakings and the State's legal policies on the grassroots democracy regulation; reform and improve the quality of operations; promote the responsibilities of the members in accordance with the assigned political tasks.

Overview image of the meeting. Photo: Internet

Based on the work plan of 2021, the National Steering Committee shall develop a plan to inspect the implementation of grassroots democracy regulations in localities, ministries and branches expected to take place in the second quarter of 2021, with a view to evaluating the results of 5 years of implementation of Conclusion No. 120-KL/TW; thereby proposing tasks and solutions to continue leading, directing and improving the quality and efficiency of the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation.

Dam emphasized, along with the criterion for the people, Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress emphasizes on the goal of the "beneficiaries". Since then, agencies, Party Civil Affairs Committees, the Government, ministries and branches shall conduct an overall reviewon the tax policy, insurance policy, capital construction investment directions, investment in mountainous and remote areas, investment in education, health, culture, etc. in accordance with the socialist orientation, so that people can enjoy the development achievements.

DPM stated: It is necessary to strictly handle organizations, officials and party members that lose grassroots democracy or issue documents that limit people's mastery; at the same time, to strengthen and strictly punish those who take advantage of the democratic regulations, causing socio-political instability; to bring into full play the role of the Fatherland Front and mass organizations, assign tasks to the party committees and authorities, create favorable conditions for legal organizations and associations, and closely coordinate with mass organizations to operate smoothly and promote the strength of great national solidarity.

Simultaneously, the Central Commission for Mass Mobilization at all levels shall continue to advise party committees at all levels, ministries and branches to review all documents of the 13th National Party Congress and the Party congresses at all levels; fully implement the contents related to promoting the people's mastery in general and the democratic regulations in particular, with emphasis on the "beneficiaries" criterion.