The entire Vietnam's social insurance industry to proactively and urgently deploy 2021 tasks

02/03/2021 09:05 AM

Recently, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) sent Official Letter No. 381/BHXH-VP to affiliated units and the social insurance agencies of provinces and centrally-run cities on focusing on the implementation of work tasks after the Lunar New Year of 2021 (The year of the Ox).

Accordingly, to promptly implement and deploy the 2021 tasks right after the Lunar New Year, and at the same time ensure effective implementation of measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic and best serve the interests of participants of social insurance and health insurance, the VSS General Director requires affiliated units and social insurance agencies of provinces and cities to focus on immediately deploying and implementing missions and tasks right from the first day of returning to work after Tet holiday.

Specifically: To actively and urgently issue and deploy plans to organize the implementation of work tasks in 2021. In particular, to focus on the targets and tasks assigned by the Government, the Prime Minister and the head of the sector, especially the development of participants in social insurance and health insurance. To urge the employers to fully complete the payable amounts of social insurance and health insurance premiums. To timely settle and pay the regimes of social, health and unemployment insurance for the participants. To urgently solve arising tasks and promptly handle outstanding assignments and problems of agencies, enterprises, employees and people during the Lunar New Year.

Illustrative image (source: Internet)

To continue to thoroughly grasp, seriously, fully, promptly and effectively implement measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic. At the same time, to best ensure the interests of participants in accordance with the guidance spirit of the Government, the Prime Minister, the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, local authorities and the VSS in the Official Dispatch No. 287/BHXH-VP dated February 1, 2021 on strengthening measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic.

In the case of the civil servants during the Lunar New Year holiday going to, arriving at or returning from epidemic areas and locations, it is compulsory to strictly comply with the regulations of medical declaration, epidemic prevention and self-isolation according to the instructions of health facilities and local authorities. Heads of affiliated units, directors of social insurance agencies of provinces shall check on the civil servants who have gone to, or returned from, the epidemic areas and localities, as well as design a plan to arrange flexible working arrangements for the civil servants consistent with the epidemic developments. To regularly monitor and promptly take measures to prevent epidemic transmission at agencies and units.

Agencies, units, and the civil serevants throughout the Industry shall further strengthen the administrative discipline, and public ethics; strictly implement the instructions of the Government, the Prime Minister and the VSS in Official Dispatch No. 298/BHXH-VP dated February 3, 2021 on the implementation of the tasks before, during and after the Lunar New Year of 2021; focus on implementing missions and tasks to ensure the prevention of COVID-19 transmission./.