Quang Ninh’s social security sector makes achievements after eight years implementing Politburo’s resolution

21/02/2021 11:20 PM

Eight years since the implementation of the Politburo’s resolution No 21 on strengthening Party leadership in health insurance and social security, the social security agency of Quang Ninh Province has met a number of targets.

Illustrative image (source: Internet)

In 2020, the social security agency of Quang Ninh Province exceeded the voluntary social insurance target with 17,800 participants, reaching 100.6 per cent of the goal.

The number of health insurance card holders topped 1.2 million, increasing 21,800 compared to 2019, covering 93.7 per cent of the population.

The local social security agency also collected more than VND5.9 trillion (US$255 million) in payments and took comprehensive measures to reduce debts, promote IT application, and administrative procedure reform to ensure the best services for people and businesses.

The implementation of the Politburo’s resolution No 21 on strengthening Party leadership in health insurance and social insurance in the period between 2012 and 2020 has changed the social security work in the province.

Throughout 25 years of reforming and developing health insurance and social insurance policies, Resolution No 21 has reviewed and completed health insurance and social insurance policies of our country in the integration era.

The Party's viewpoint emphasises that implementing insurance policies is not only the job of insurance agencies but also the task of Party committees at all levels, authorities, unions, social organisations, enterprises and people.

Thanks to the leadership and co-ordination of relevant agencies, the social security agency of Quang Ninh Province consulted with the provincial Party committee, People’s Committee and People’s Council to issue 78 documents related to the insurance policy implementation.

The province always completed the assigned task of collecting insurance payment.

The collection in 2012 was more than VND2.7 trillion. It increased to more than VND5.4 trillion in 2019, a surge of 95.4 per cent compared to that of 2012.

The number of social insurance card holders rose from 220,400 in 2012 (covering 36.9 per cent of the labour force) to 255,113 in 2020 (covering 39.9 per cent of the labour force).

Illustrative image (source: Internet)

In 2020, more than 1.2 million people joined the health insurance network, up from 921,892 people in 2012.

The effective communication work has raised public awareness about the importance of social security and health insurance.

The administrative procedure reform has made progress, improving service quality and attitudes of officials towards people and businesses.

IT has been widely applied in data management through the information system for assessment and payment of medical services expenses covered by health insurance, synchronised household data, creating a centralised insurance database.

The province always ensures full benefits of people joining the social insurance and health insurance network, and at the same time, pays attention to expanding the network.

According to a report reviewing the resolution’s implementation, besides achievements, there are also lessons learnt to avoid shortcomings.

Relevant agencies need to closely monitor the resolution implementation, focus on legal dissemination, especially explaining new features of the laws on social security, health insurance, labour hygiene and safety, occupation as well as insurance policies, as well as rights and benefits of card holders and employers.

The province also looks to develop the insurance network in relevance with social services, step up investigation to timely discover insurance payment evasion, debts and other fraudulent acts.

It is necessary to strengthen the co-ordination among units, which is an important factor for the resolution’s implementation campaign./.