Specialized inspection of contribution to SI, HI & UI to collect more than 664 billion dong of arrears for funds

01/02/2021 02:35 AM

According to the report of Vietnam Social Security (VSS), in the past 5 years, the social insurance industry has carried out specialized inspection of contribution to social insurance (SI), unemployment insurance (UI) and health insurance (HI) at 35,060 units. Thereby, 664 billion VND of arrears have been collected for the funds of SI, HI & UI, guaranteeing the benefits of hundreds of thousands of employees.

Specifically, in the period of 2016 - 2020, the social insurance industry hosted and coordinated the inspection and examination at 75,785 units, in which specialized inspection of contribution to SI, UI & HI at 35,060 units. Specialized inspection has helped to discover and requested the unit to register participation and additional payment time for 106,590 employees without payment or lacking an amount of payment of 405.6 billion dong; additional payment for 133,655 employees with arrears of SI, UI & HI of 258.4 billion dong; requested to overcome the debt of SI, UI & HI of 8,955.6 billion dong.

Specialized arrear collection effectively brought into play and ensures benefits for employees (Illustrative image)

Over the years, specialized inspection of contribution to SI, UI & HI has changed dramatically in terms of both quality and quantity, in which the number of inspected units has gradually increased year by year, which mainly focuses on units showing signs of violation of the law on payment of SI, UI & HI.

From 2016 to 2020, thanks to specialized arrear collection, the entire social insurance industry issued and submitted dossiers to request the competent authority for the issuance of 2,103 decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations with the fine amount of 114.5 VND billion; the amount recovered through the execution of the sanctioning decision was 30.3 billion VND.

VSS assessed that the results achieved over the past 5 years of implementing the function of specialized inspection have affirmed the position and operational capacity of the inspection system of the social insurance industry; significantly contributed to the effectiveness of the development of the target audience, ensuring proper and full collection and reducing the debt of SI in order to promptly protect the interests of employees, contributing to ensuring well-carried implementation of social security policies.

By specialized inspection of contribution to SI, UI & HI, Vietnam has cooperated with ministries and branches to study and propose mechanisms and policies in economic concentration activities such as to propose to the Ministry of Justice on regulations for the competence to sanction administrative violations and enforce the execution of decisions sanctioning administrative violations in the Law on Handling Administrative Violations amended in 2019; propose to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to supplement and amend a number of violations in Decree No. 95/2013/ND-CP (currently Decree No. 28/2020) on penalties of administrative violations in the fields of labor, social insurance, and overseas manpower supply under contract; propose the Ministry of Health to supplement and amend a number of contents on the behavior and sanction level of health insurance in Decree No. 176/2013/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations against medical laws (currently Decree No. 117/2019/ND-CP), etc. In addition, many documents have been issued to rectify local social insurance agencies in the implementation of tasks and reviewing additional features in professional software to give warnings and limit errors in the professional performance of the local social insurance agency.

In addition, over the past time, VSS has built up a team of officials working on specialized inspection with adequate qualification and capability, who have met the requirements of implementing specialized inspection that does not only involve specialized inspection of contribution to SI, UI & HI but also involve settling the benefits of SI, UI & HI (this team does not only consist of civil servants and officers of the inspection and examination system but also consists those of the Divisons of Contribution Collection – Insurance Book and Card; Social insurance regimes; Health insurance review and assessment and trained district leaders of specialized inspection.

It can be seen that after 5 years of implementing the function of specialized inspection of contribution to SI, UI & HI, this acts as a completely appropriate policy of the Party and State. The effectiveness of the social insurance agency's operation on specialized inspection of contribution to SI, UI & HI has clearly and distinctly changed the employer's awareness and mindset of compliance with the laws on SI, UI & HI. The rate of social insurance debt has decreased year by year, the employees' interests have been guaranteed and regimes have been solved promptly, properly and fully.

The above results are also the practical basis that the social insurance agency has full capabilities and human resources to perform inspection; At the same time, if VSS is assigned a function of comprehensive specialized inspection, it will promptly detect and prevent fraudulent acts to enjoy the regime or abuse and profit from the fund, especially to prevent abuse and benefitting from the health insurance fund for balancing the health insurance fund; to ensure benefits for participants and beneficiaries and contribute to well-carried implementation of social security policies./.