The 5th Patriotic Emulation Congress of Vietnam Social Security: A remarkable milestone

16/10/2020 09:00 AM

On October 14, the 5th Patriotic Emulation Congress of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) (2020-2025) opened in Hanoi. Attending the meeting were Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh - First Vice President of the Central Council for Emulation and Commendation (CCEC); Minister of Finance and Chairman of VSS Governing Body Dinh Tien Dung; Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thanh - Deputy Minister of Public Security and Member of VSS Management Council; Secretary of the Party Committee for Central Agencies Block Son Minh Thang; together with representatives of a number of ministries, departments, members of the VSS Management Council, etc.

On VSS side, the attendants were General Director Nguyen The Manh; Specialized Vice Chairman of the VSS Governing Body Pham Van Truong, Former Deputy General Director Nguyen Dinh Khuong - Former Vice President of the VSS Council for Emulation and Commendation; Deputy General Directors Pham Luong Son, Tran Dinh Lieu, Dao Viet Anh, and Le Hung Son; together with leading representatives of departments, committees and units directly under the VSS.

Delegates attending the Congress

This congress aims to commend and honor the Nation’s best perfoming staff, the SI’s best perfoming staff and the advanced typical collectives and individuals voted at the Advanced Typical Conference, representing more than 1,400 collectives and 20,000 civil servants and employees in the whole Industry.

The 5th Patriotic Emulation Congress of VSS aims to summarize and evaluate the results, achievements and impacts of the patriotic emulation movement over the past 5 years (2015-2020). At the same time, commend and reward collectives, individuals, advanced examples, and new representatives in the professional work fields of the Industry. Thereby, continue to arouse and promote the enormous strength of the great national unity bloc, strongly promote internal strength and create great motivation in implementing the Resolutions of the Party Congress at all levels; encourage and motivate the continuous efforts of the staff and employees in the whole Industry towards successfully completing the assigned political tasks.

Speaking at the opening of the Congress, on behalf of the VSS, Manh warmly welcomed the delegates to the Congress, especially over 400 delegates who were the the Nation’s best perfoming staff, the SI’s best perfoming staff, representatives of the typical collectives and individuals, the examples of good people with good deeds representing more than 1,400 collectives and nearly 20,000 civil servants and employees in the industry.

General Director Nguyen The Manh delivering the opening speech at the Congress

According to Manh, over the past years, emulation movements launched by the Party and the State and those of striving to successfully complete the political tasks of the Sector have been effectively organized and implemented. Annually, VSS exceeds all the targets according to the Party's Resolutions and the plans and tasks assigned by the Prime Minister, contributing to socio-economic development and stabilizing the country's social security. Thereby, collectives and individuals were honored to receive medals, certificates of merit and other noble titles by the Party, State and Government.

Speaking at the Congress, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh emphasized that the superior goal of our Party and State is to strive for wealthy people, a strong country, a democratic, fair and civilized society. During the revolutionary period, our Party and State have always paid attention to leading, directing the construction and implementation of undertakings and social welfare policies and considered this as both a goal and a driving force for sustainable development of the country, demonstrating the superiority and good nature of the socialist regime.

According to Thinh, the requirements and tasks set out for the social insurance industry are quite a pressure, however, this is also the glorious mission that the Party, State and people entrusted the VSS Industry to implement. Agreeing with the 8 tasks and 4 solutions stated in the report at the Congress, the Vice President recommended that the VSS Industry continue to promote the achievements and lessons, as well as to build the VSS Party Committee in a transparent and strong manner, associated with studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style. On that basis, step by step steadily expand coverage towards the goal of universal social insurance and health insurance.

Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh giving a speech at the Congress

Besides, to build a flexible, diversified, multi-layered and modern social insurance system and international integration. Promote the reform of administrative procedures and IT application. As for the emulation and commendation work, it is necessary to promote patriotic emulation movements in the whole industry, especially the leading cadres must be exemplary and take the lead in emulation movements for the masses to follow. Through the movements, all levels need to properly detect the advanced examples, new factors, more effective measures, etc. to foster and replicate to the entire industry and society.

At the congress, VSS announced and awarded to collectives of individuals with outstanding achievements at the state level. Accordingly, 26 collectives and 20 individuals were awarded the Labor Medals, Certificates of Merit and Emulation Flags by the Government and the Prime Minister.

Authorized by the State President, Thinh awarded 17 Labor Medals to the SI Industry’s collectives and individuals. Authorized by the Prime Minister, Dung awarded the Government's Emulation Flags to 8 collectives; Thanh awarded Certificates of Merit of the Prime Minister to 7 collectives; Thang awarded Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister to 8 individuals; Manh awarded Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister to 7 individuals.

Also on this occasion, Mr. Nguyen The Manh launched a patriotic emulation movement for the VSS industry for the period of 2020 and 2025, at the same time, sent delegates to the upcoming National Patriotic Emulation Congress.

The Vice President presented a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh to the VSS

Some photos taken at the Congress: