VN Social Security strengthens information exchange with State Audit

06/10/2020 09:10 AM

Viet Nam Social Security and the State Audit of Viet Nam will strengthen co-operation and exchange information in the future.

The move came after the two agencies held a ceremony to sign the Regulation on information exchange on October 1 in Ha Noi.

Auditor General of the State Audit of Viet Nam Ho Duc Phoc and General Director of Viet Nam Social Security Nguyen The Manh co-chaired the signing ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Phoc said according to the law, the State Audit of Viet Nam audited the social insurance fund every three years and sent a report to the National Assembly.

Thus, the co-operation between the two agencies had always been treasured over past years, he said.

The two agencies decided to sign the regulation on information exchange aiming to further strengthen their co-operation in the future, he added.

Signing the regulation would help the two agencies get more information and data sources in performing assigned tasks, he said.

Additionally, the exchange of e-data also met the requirements of promoting the application of information technology as well as conducting remote audit for the audit sector, he said.

Also at the event, Manh said he highly appreciated the co-operation between the two agencies over past years.

Manh also agreed that it is necessary to further strengthen the co-operation and exchange of information between the two agencies in the future in order to better serve the requirements of administrative reform and information technology application.

Manh added that currently, Viet Nam had 90 per cent of the total population participating in health insurance and more than 15 million people participating in social insurance. It helped the insurance sector build a large and important database.

The Viet Nam Social Security had boosted co-operation, exchange and connection of information with many ministries and sectors, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Taxation Sector and medical facilities to better serve people participating in social and health insurance, he said.

“Today, Viet Nam Social Security signs the Regulation on information exchange with the State Audit of Viet Nam. We are very happy to attend the event. The Viet Nam Social Security is one of the first agencies that the State Audit has selected to sign the regulation on information exchange,” he said.

Accordingly, the regulation consists of three chapters and 12 articles, specifying the exchange of information between the State Audit of Viet Nam and Viet Nam Social Security. Information exchange between the two agencies is based on the functions, tasks and state-management requirements, in accordance with the law.

Information exchange must be timely, accurate and complete following the request of each agency. The content of information exchange between the two agencies is managed in accordance with the Law on Social Insurance, the Law on Health Insurance, the Law on Examination and Treatment, the Law on Employment, the Law on State Audit, the Law on Cyber Security and legal regulations on protection of State secrets and can only be used in the management of social, health, unemployment insurance and State audit./.