Viet Nam Social Insurance disseminates on anti-corruption laws

11/02/2020 10:08 AM

Viet Nam Social Insurance issued Plan No 26/KH-BHXH on January 22 about the implementation of the project “Disseminating and educating laws on anti-corruption in the period 2019-21”, in accordance with the direction of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on anti-corruption.

The plan aims to ensure the project will be seriously and effectively carried out by the social insurance sector.

It will help to regularly maintain the dissemination and education of anti-corruption laws in the sector.

The plan is designed to create considerable changes in awareness among the sector’s staff about anti-corruption laws, ethics, integrity and compliance with the laws.

Therefore, it is expected to prevent and minimise anti-corruption violations.

At the same time, the plan will also raise the responsibility of the heads of social insurance units in leading and directing anti-corruption work, as well as handling violations related to anti-corruption.

The plan’s content includes improving the capacity of the communicators about anti-corruption laws. Thereby, the sector will review the list of communicators, then decide to retain qualified communicators and dismiss disqualified ones. Additionally, the sector will send qualified communicators to participate in short-term training courses, organised by the Ministry of Justice, to improve their capacity.

Under the plan, 100 per cent of the sector’s staff will be educated and updated with knowledge of anti-corruption laws.

The sector plans to build specialised pages, columns, reports, posters and slogans with the theme of anti-corruption, as well as ethics and integrity on the official website of the Viet Nam Social Insurance, its units’ websites, social insurance newspaper and social insurance magazine.

It will also add the content of anti-corruption in training courses for the sector staff to ensure that all training programmes of the sector will contain the content by the end of 2021./