VietNam Social Security is one of the top on the Portal Security Index

10/09/2019 03:25 PM

VietNam Social Security (VSS) ranked 3rd out of 37 ministries and ministerial – level agencies on the Portal Security Index (PSI) in 2019, according to a report by the VietNam Computer Emergency Response Team (VNCERT).

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VSS is among the top three agencies for secure portal/ website in 2019. The rankings have been built by the VietNam Computer Emergency Response Team (VNCERT) – Minsitry of Information and Communication (MIC). There are 148 Portals/ Websites in 5 groups, include: 37 ministries and ministerial – level agencies; 15 polities and polities – social organisations; 63 provinces and cities nationwide; 24 general departments; 9 major economic groups assessed in the rankings, which have been based on main index – policies and human resources index, physical environment safety index, information security index...

With a score of 0.9139, VSS ranked 3rd in the Ministries and Ministerial – level agencies, which was topped by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MOCST).

These are units with large investment resources in information technology and information security in country with high-tech manpower, management measures the portal/ website is focused on implementation, according to VNCERT.