Changing mindset in health insurance for students

06/09/2019 10:00 AM

The implementation of health insurance for students has received more attention from the Government. Viet Nam Social Security’s provincial subsidiaries have collaborated with local authorities, especially departments of education and training to accelerate the implementation of health insurance for students, raising the number of participants year over year.

The number of students participating in health insurance has increased steadily over the years.

The coverage of health insurance for students has developed sustainably. In the 2009-2010 school year, 10.7 million (accounting for 70 per cent) of students signed up for insurance. The figures for 2016, 2017 and 2018-2019 are 15.9 million (92.5 per cent), 16 million (93 per cent) and 17 million (95.3 per cent), respectively.

According to Pham Luong Son, deputy director of Viet Nam Social Security, health insurance coverage for students in recent years has witnessed significant developments, thanks to changes in awareness of Viet Nam Social Security among schools and especially parents about the policy. All stakeholders have acknowledged that health insurance ensures children’s rights. Previously, many parents whose children suffered severe illnesses had to pay health insurance for the whole class for them to enjoy benefits. Now, the situation has been improved – parents proactively have their children participating in health insurance when they are healthy.

In the past, many parents refused to let their children sign up for health insurance, preferring to pay medical expenses on their own or buying commercial health insurance. This mindset has changed. At present, families are eager to take part in health insurance for students implemented by the Government.

Schools play an important role in raising awareness among students about the policy. Primary school students now know to notify their parents about participating in health insurance as a community responsibility. 

The implementation of health insurance for students has been improved thanks to schools, managers and teachers. Before, many teachers thought this was a task handed over by departments of education and training so they simply announce the policy at parents’ meetings. Now, they pay more attention to calling for the participation of students by explaining and persuading parents./.

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