VSS implements provisions on the sanctioning of administrative violations

30/08/2019 02:30 PM

Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) has issued Document No 3114/BHXH-TCKT on the implementation of Decree No 63/2019/NĐ-CP issued by the Government on July 11, 2019, about provisions on the sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of management and use of State properties, thrift, combating waste, national reserve and the State treasury.

VSS asks its subsidiaries to notify all workers on contents of Decree No 63/2019/NĐ-CP.

Any agency and individual who detects violations in the management and use of State properties, thrift, combating waste, national reserve and State treasury is responsible for reporting it to law enforcement agencies regulated in the decree.

Directors of VSS’s provincial branches and other subsidiaries are in charge of directing and instructing workers to strictly comply with the law and VSS’s regulations in the field of management and use of State properties, thrift, combating waste, national reserve and State treasury.

In case of violations, agencies have to promptly report the sanction and related dossiers to VSS.

According to the decree, main forms of sanctions include a warning and fine. The maximum fines for violations in the field of management and use of State properties, national reserve and State treasury are VND50 million (US$2,150) for an individual and VND100 million ($4,300) for an organisation; in the field of thrift and combating waste are VND100 million ($4,300) for an individual and VND200 million ($8,600) for an organisation.

Depending on the nature and severity of the violations, violating organisations and individuals may also be subject to an additional sanction of confiscation of material evidence and means used to commit the administrative violations.

For administrative violations in the field of management and use of State properties, thrift, combating waste, national reserve and State treasury occurring before the effective date of the decree, which are later discovered or handled, law enforcement agencies shall apply the sanctioning provisions of this decree if this decree does not regulate legal liability or regulates more lenient liability for violating individuals and organisations./.

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