Vietnam Social Security urges medical insurance for students

30/08/2019 02:27 PM

Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) has sent Official Document No 3118/BHXH-TT to provincial and municipal social security departments and the sector’s communication offices to urge the dissemination of medical insurance for students in the new school year 2019-2020.

The document noted that medical insurance for students had received attention from the whole political system over the past time. Provincial and municipal social security departments have enthusiastically acted as consultants for local authorities, and cooperated with concerned sectors and departments, especially the departments of education and training, to implement medical insurance for students.

These efforts have resulted in important results and the number of students buying medical insurance has increased year after year.

In the 2018-19 school year, several schools reported 100 per cent of students buying medical insurance.

However, quite a few students have not yet signed up for medical insurance, especially those at universities and colleges. 

This demonstrates the difficult work ahead for students’ medical insurance development for the 2019-20 school year. Thus raising awareness of students and their parents about policies and laws regarding medical insurance is one of the most important duties.

To reach the target of 100 per cent of students taking part in medical insurance this school year, the VSS asked local social security departments, communication centres, the Social Security newspaper and the Social Security magazine to increase their efforts.

Accordingly, provincial and municipal social security departments should consult local authorities and Party committees to instruct departments of education and training, departments of labour, invalids and social affairs to closely work with the social security sector to spread information about medical insurance policies in schools.

Each school must be assigned a target rate of students buying health insurance.

The targeted rate must be considered one of the norms to assess the school and students.

Departments of education and training should cooperate with concerned departments to improve education on health insurance policies and laws to teachers, students and their parents.

The role of associations should be upheld in the work. The youth union and the students’ associations at universities, colleges and vocational schools should provide consultancy, talks, or publish leaflets to students during regular meetings of the associations. This will help improve students’ awareness on the importance of health insurance.

Provincial and municipal social security departments should work with local communication offices to write articles and reports and create columns on health insurance for students. The number of articles about health insurance for students must be increased on websites of provincial and municipal health insurance departments.

The communication centre should work with the Ministry of Education and Training, Central Youth Union and the media bodies at the central level to improve education on health insurance for students.

A column on health insurance for students should be set up on the portal of the VSS.

The Social Insurance newspaper and the Social Insurance magazine will publish a special edition about health insurance for students to mark the start of the new school year. They should also increase the number of articles about the issue until the end of this year.

The articles should focus on the humanity of health insurance policies in general and insurance for students in particular. Buying health insurance is a right and responsibility of each student. It expresses their awareness of executing laws. 

Organisations and individuals with achievements in providing education on health insurance policies for students will be awarded./.

Thu Trang