Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

08/08/2019 09:02 AM

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is grappling with the world’s second largest Ebola epidemic on record, with more than 1,800 lives lost and 2,600 confirmed infections since the outbreak was declared on 01 August 2018. The outbreak is occurring in North Kivu and Ituri provinces. Neighbouring countries are taking steps to mitigate the risk of spread. The World Health Organization has more than 600 staff on the ground supporting the Government-led response together with national and international partners.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is grappling with the world’s second largest Ebola epidemic on record, with more than 1,800 lives lost and 2,600 confirmed infections since the outbreak was declared on 01 August 2018. The outbreak is occurring in North Kivu and Ituri provinces. Neighbouring countries are taking steps to mitigate the risk of spread. The World Health Organization has more than 600 staff on the ground supporting the Government-led response together with national and international partners.

Latest numbers as of 4 August 2019




Total cases

Total deaths


Total of 2763 cases (2669 confirmed & 94 probable), including 1849 deaths, 798 survivors, and patients still under care.

Source: Ministry of Health, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Current situation

The Ebola outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces is ongoing amidst a complex crisis. In the past six weeks, an average of 85 cases have been reported per week. There are currently no confirmed cases of Ebola outside of the DRC.

On 30 July, an Ebola case was confirmed on the outskirts of Goma city. Two family members subsequently tested positive and are receiving care in the Goma Ebola Treatment Centre. Other suspected cases among contacts are awaiting test results. Bolstered by months of preparedness, a sizable response, including exhaustive contact tracing and ring vaccination, was rapidly implemented upon detection of these cases with the aim of preventing tertiary spread or sustained local transmission in Goma.

On 17 July, the Director-General of the World Health Organization declared the current Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo a Public Health Emergency of International Concern under the International Health Regulations. Further information on the declaration, including temporary recommendations advised by the Emergency Committee, is available in the statement, speech by WHO Director General, and news release.