VSS’s achievements by 31 October 2018

13/11/2018 04:38 PM

According to a report from the Viet Nam Social Security (VSS), as of October 31, 2018, Vietnam had 14.19 million people taking part in compulsory social insurance, 251,000 people with voluntary social insurance and 12.13 million people with unemployment insurance. The number of health insurance card holders reached 82.33 million or 87.62 percent of the population.

In October alone, social security offices nationwide handled 11,084 submissions for pension and monthly social insurance compensation, helped 70,690 people receive their lump sums, and 838,483 others get sickness, maternity or health recovery benefits. The accumulated figures for the 10 months were 101,766; 676,605; and more than 8.025 million, respectively.

Some 15.07 million people used health insurance for health checkups and treatment in October, with the figure for the 10-month period amounting to more than 146.55 million people.

Also during the period, the VSS in collaboration with the labour, invalids and social affairs sector processed documents to help 597,577 people enjoy unemployment compensation and 31,186 people to receive subsidised vocational training./.

Vietnam Social Security