Government’s action plan to implement Resolution No.28-NQ/TW on social insurance policy reform

24/10/2018 11:31 AM

On October 8, 2018, the Government issued Resolution No.125/NQ-CP on the action programme to implement Resolution No.28-NQ/TW dated May 23, 2018 of the seventh plenary session of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on social insurance policy reform

Accordingly, based on the objectives, contents, tasks, and solutions stated in Resolution No.28-NQ/TW, the Government has issued an action programme to thoroughly study and effectively implement Resolution No.28-NQ/TW, thus creating a clear change in the perception and action of leaders of various sectors, labourers, and employers; and comprehensively determining the main, specific, and feasible tasks.

The programme also aims to bring into full play the roles and responsibilities of sectors and organisations at all levels – such as the Government, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, the Government’s agencies, the People’s Committees of centrally-run cities and provinces – which will concentrate on directing and organising the successful implementation of overall objectives and specific objectives of Resolution No.28-NQ / TW.

The action programme to implement Resolution No.28-NQ/TW includes five groups of tasks and measures, as follows.

- Promoting work-related information to raise public awareness of social and unemployment insurance policy, creating a consensus on social insurance policy reform;

- Continuing to perfect the legal system on labour, employment, social insurance, unemployment insurance, and other relevant laws as the basis for proposing a legal document development programme to institutionalise contents of social policy reform;

- Improving the effectiveness of State management of social insurance;

- Improving management capacity and the effectiveness of the implementation of social and unemployment insurance policies; and

- International integration in the field of social insurance.

A series of adjustments related to social insurance policy will be finalised.

In the action programme to implement Resolution No.28-NQ/TW, the Government has set up specific tasks for each sector and organisation at all levels, so as to bring into full play their roles and responsibilities. In particular, sectors and organisations at all levels were requested to give advices to a series of adjustments to social insurance policy in the coming time.

- Piloting the implementation of policies on flexible, voluntary, short-term social insurance packages so employees can have a variety of participation choices to choose from and enjoy the benefits of; monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating the results of the pilot porgramme and report it to the Government for submission to the National Assembly for consideration, thus making decisions on the amendment of the Law on Social Insurance;

- Building a scheme on the adjustment of comparable independent pensions in relation to the wage of those who are in the working age, changing the way of adjusting the retirement pension in the direction of sharing, and reporting those to the Government for consideration and making decisions;

- Studying and submitting to the Government for consideration, and submitting to the National Assembly for amending and making supplements to the Labour Code to make adjustments to raise the retirement age in accordance with the roadmap from 2021;

- Revising regulations related to salary ones to make it easy for determining the base for paying social insurance of the enterprise area equal to at least 70 percent of the total salary and other earnings of the employees;

- Revising regulations on labour management, labour relations in the context of Industry 4.0 impact, to achieve the goal of expanding the coverage of social insurance;

- Modifying and supplementing the Law on Social Insurance in the direction of reducing the minimum time for social insurance participation to enjoy the retirement regime; adjusting the pension calculation according to the principle of contribution based benefit, equality, sharing, and sustainability; expanding the scope of compulsory social insurance participation to other target groups; increasing benefits if labourers reserve the time to participate in social insurance to enjoy their retirement, and reducing benefits if labourers require the social insurance enjoyment once; amending regulations related to the payment rate of social insurance to realise the target of social insurance coverage expansion; adjusting the cumulative rate to reach the maximum pension proportion in line with international practice; improving the sanction for handing violations of the law on social insurance, especially the act of evasion, debt, and profiteering social insurance; and

- Working to comprehensively renovate the content and form of public awareness campaigns to be suitable to the characteristics of each target group, region, and locality in order to ensure the effectiveness of popularisation campaigns and increase the number social insurance participants, attracting the active participation of farmers, labourers working in informal sectors; paying attention to upholding the role of prestigious organisations, individuals in residential areas towards calling for residents to join the voluntary social insurance./.

Vietnam Social Security