VSS delegates attend The 2018 APIC Tokyo Summit

03/07/2018 04:30 PM

The 2018 APIC – Japan World Pension Funds and Social Security Systems Summit was held at Tokyo, Japan from 20 – 21 June, 2018. The conference outcomes are considered as initial keys to open a wide range of potential opportunities for international investors, especially in terms of social security fund investment of Asian nations

Panel Discussion at The 2018 APIC Summit (Source: APIC)

The APIC 2018 Summit theme is about “Exploring New Opportunities”, which targets to broaden current network of a variety of fund and investment management discussion among governmental organization and private enterprises. As global institutional investors, especially pension funds and insurance companies continue their quest for yields, Ms. Ana Sharp, CEO and President of APIC has revealed that the 2018 APIC Japan World Pension Funds and Social Security Systems Summit would provide a private and confidential platform where leaders and decisions makers of global and emerging markets funds gather to discuss and share successful strategies that can be adapted to their own markets.

Besides four main panel sessions, the Roundtable Discussions whose theme “The Future of Pension, SWF, and Social Security Systems” was applauded to give optimistic views of how to create a sustainable and mutually-benefited pension and asset management industry after holding several sharing experiences from Dr. Joachim Breuer, President of International Social Security Association (ISSA).

Nguyen Tien Thanh, Director of International Cooperation, VSS speaking at the Global Fixed Income Panel discussion (Source: APIC)

Viet Nam Social Security delegate, Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh, Director of International Cooperation Department, was proudly chosen as one of honored speakers who had sharing and certain notions in the Global Fixed Income Panel Discussion of the Summit.

The Panel session on fixed income field discussed practical strategies covering the asset class volatility, amid global economic growth. Also, the global trends among pension fund’s investors approach are exposed to other panelists from Japanese Pension Fund and Malaysian Social Security Organization. They all raised their voices of unstable economic status in the period of Industrial Revolution 4 in years coming. In the field of social security fund, Viet Nam and Malaysia have shared a number of common points which contain of bond investment, real estate investment, and the search for international investment in potential market as ASEAN emerging countries recently.

In addition to the next APIC Summit in Viet Nam mentioned by Mr. Ken Ota, Session Chair, Mr. Thanh opened his words on behalf of VSS as an of official invitation to all delegates in this APIC Summit to the 35th Board Meeting of ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) in Nha Trang, Viet Nam in September 2018. He emphasized that the Viet Nam would become a trust-worthy with full of potentials market in near future, and Viet Nam Social Security is one of the essential pillars that yield promising outcomes.

Bui Minh Hong - ICD, VSS