June 26th: National Assembly discusses salary reform and pension adjustment

26/06/2024 04:28 PM

According to the program of the 7th Session, today, June 26th, the National Assembly (NA) will discuss a number of important issues. In particular, the contents of salary reform are being deliberated include adjustment of pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for the meritorious people and social benefits from July 1st, 2024.

Specifically, in the morning, the NA will vote to approve the NA's Resolution on piloting and supplementing a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Nghe An province;  approve the NA's Resolution on urban government organization and piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies to develop Da Nang city.

The NA will discuss the project of the Law on Cultural Heritage (amended). The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism will explain and clarify a number of issues raised by National Assembly deputies.

Overview of the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly. Photo: Quochoi

In the afternoon, the NA will discuss the draft Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Pharmacy Law. The Minister of Health will explain and clarify a number of issues raised by NA deputies; Discuss plans to extend debt repayment for refinanced loans under the Resolution No. 135/2020/QH14 dated November 17th, 2020 of the National Assembly.

Then, the NA will discuss  the contents on salary reform; Adjustment of pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for the meritorious people to revolution and social benefits from July 1st, 2024.

At the session on June 25th, the Government proposed 03 contents while there are not enough conditions for abolishing the base salary and salary coefficient during the period of time to implement the solution of increasing public sector salaries from July 1, 2024 as follows: Adjusting the base salary from the current 1.8 million VND to 2.34 million VND/month (an increase of 30%). To continue to study, amend and supplement allowance regime and a number of specific regimes of the armed forces and of cadres, civil servants and public employees in a number of specialized fields where unreasonableness arises during the implementation process. Implement salary and income reservations for agencies and units that are currently applying specific financial and income mechanisms.

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Illustrative image (internet)

In addition, a 15% increase in pension and social insurance benefits is implemented; At the same time, for the people who are receiving pension before 1995, after adjustment, if the benefit level will be lower than 3.2 million VND/month, the adjustment will increase by 0.3 million VND/month; If the benefit level is from 3.2 million VND/month to less than 3.5 million VND/month, it will be adjusted to 3.5 million VND/month. Preferential allowance for people with meritorious services to revolution under the standard allowance rate from 2,055,000 VND to 2,789,000 VND/month (an increase of 35.7%). Social allowance under the standard social assistance rate from 360,000 VND to 500,000 VND/month (increase of 38.9%).

According to the Government, the proposed solution to increase salary, adjust pensions and benefits from July 1st, 2024 which has positive impact is basic, comprehensive, reasonable and effective./.