WB provides technical assistance to VSS in data usage and governance

07/06/2024 04:26 PM

On June 5, 2024, a World Bank (WB) delegation led by Senior Digital Development Specialist Toni Kristian Eliasz met with Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) to discuss technical support for data governance and utilisation to build national databases and enhance digital transformation efforts in Vietnam. The delegation was received by VSS Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu and representatives of relevant departments.

VSS Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu delivers remarks at the working session

Speaking at the working session, VSS Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu said that the National Insurance Database (CSDL) is one of six important databases directly related to people and prioritised by the Government for the development of e-government and national digital transformation.  On March 31, 2021, the Prime Minister issued Decree No 43/2021/ND-CP, assigning VSS as the governing body of the National Insurance Database. To date, VSS is the first unit in the country to successfully connect and share the National Insurance Database with the National Population Database since the latter was officially operational.

As of today, the Viet Nam Social Security's system has verified more than 96.8 million demographic records in the National Insurance Database with the National Population Database. Among these, there are about 86.9 million people who are participating in and receiving social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance, accounting for 97.8 per cent of the total number of participants (excluding the armed forces and military relatives). Synchronising and verifying the identity information of participants and beneficiaries of social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance with the National Population Database helps standardise data between the two national databases (population and insurance), improving the accuracy of information and data. This is an important basis for providing services and utilities to participants and beneficiaries of social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance on the National Population Database, helping to reduce many administrative procedures and create favourable conditions for businesses and participants in declaring and completing procedures.

In addition, with the coordination and support of the Ministry of Public Security, VSS has connected technically and implemented the use of national electronic identification accounts (VNeID) issued by the Ministry of Public Security to log in and use the VssID – social insurance digital application of the VSS industry (implemented since October 2023). According to statistics on VSS's system, to date, there have been more than 10 million users of VNeID accounts to log in to the VssID application. The practice has given people more options to use accounts when they need to access information, use health insurance cards, and perform online services for individuals on the VssID application.

In particular, with a regularly updated database and a comprehensive IT system, the connection and data sharing of the Vietnam social security industry with ministries and agencies helps standardise data, serving both management tasks and administrative procedure reform and connection, contributing to the building of e-Government, for the rights and interests of people, units and businesses. These benefits continue to demonstrate that the digital transformation of VSS is on the right track, bringing about initial positive results, contributing to serving social insurance, health insurance participants increasingly better.

In the future, VSS will continue to perform other tasks in digital transformation in a comprehensive direction, prioritising the implementation of online public services so that people, workers and businesses can perform procedures for participation, enjoyment of the benefits and policies of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance anytime, anywhere. At the same time, VSS will research and apply new technologies such as Big Data, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing to manage, analyse and exploit data, helping to improve data-based management efficiency, support decision-making for leaders at all levels, contributing to improving management efficiency, building a modern, professional VSS industry, for the satisfaction of organisations and individuals, bringing benefits to the whole society...

 World Bank Senior Digital Development Specialist Toni Kristian Eliasz shows his impressions with significant progresses that VSS has achieved over the past time, especially in digital transformation

According to Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu, for many years, the WB has been a development partner supporting the Vietnam social security industry in many fields: from restructuring business processes, applying IT; administrative procedure reform; building and perfecting the fund balance calculation model; research and development of integrated electronic card system; training and technology transfer on financial management, fund investment management; building a set of rules, automatic payment audit and management of health insurance payment...

On the occasion, Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the effectiveness of WB's assistance and hoped that WB would continue to support the Vietnam social security industry in all fields, especially in technical support for data management and use in the field of social insurance, health insurance to serve the construction of the national database, contributing to improving the efficiency of digital transformation.

Speaking at the meeting, WB's Senior Digital Development Specialist Toni Kristian Eliasz said he was very impressed with the important progresses that the Vietnam social security industry has taken in recent times, especially in the field of digital transformation. In the future, the WB is ready to cooperate and support the industry in effective data management and use, promoting digital transformation towards preparing infrastructure, technology and ensuring cybersecurity to serve the construction of national data, contributing to the development of digital government to serve people, businesses and society increasingly better./.