“Vietnam has been effectively implementing social security policies”

28/05/2024 03:23 PM

Continuing the Program of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly (NA), in the afternoon of May 27th at the National Assembly House, under the chairmanship of National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly held a plenary session at the hall to discuss about some contents which are still having different opinions about the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended).

On behalf of the drafting agency, Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) Dao Ngoc Dung acknowledged the enthusiastic and contributive opinions on important contents of National Assembly Delegates on the Social Insurance Law project (Amended). The drafting agency will coordinate with the verification agency to absorb comments as much as possible and submit them to the National Assembly Standing Committee. The Minister emphasized that Vietnam Social Security (VSS) is an agency of the Government. Social insurance policy in Vietnam is still very young (only 29 years old) while in other countries world-wide, this policy had been implemented for several hundred years. However, Vietnam has 8/9 types of social insurance, basically well developed consistent with international practices.

The Minister affirmed that social insurance policy receives the attention of the entire political system, the leadership and direction of localities and the support of the people and employers. Besides, there is a great effort from the staff and employees of the Vietnam Social Insurance system.

Minister of MOLISA  Dao Ngoc Dung spoke at the session. Photo: Quochoi

Regarding some topics of concern to delegates related to the regulations on one-time social insurance regimes, Dung said that this is the most sensitive issue in the draft Social Insurance Law (amended) and is also a complicated issue. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider options for effective implementation. Along with that, it is also necessary to pay attention to the actual lives of labourers, for the wishes of a part of labourers who want to withdraw social insurance.

“With the goals just analyzed, the Government has proposed two options (via many consultations with international organizations, organizing seminars and conferences), and on May 25th, the Government continued to provide its comments on this content and find that there are no other options more prioritized than the two options mentioned in the draft law" - Dung stated.

By studying the proposed opinions, at the same time, calculating the integration of the two options as analyzed by some delegates, accordingly, current contributors will continue to enjoy the same benefits as option 1; Those who pay later will benefit as option 2. After consideration, the experts found that if the two options are added together, the disadvantages add up more than the advantages. Therefore, according to Dung, in the coming time, the Government will continue to submit to the National Assembly a proposal to choose one of two options to bring about the highest optimization. Furthermore, from the 6th Session until now, the verification agency and the drafting agency have widely consulted, in which, through the reports of 5 localities with one-time social insurance withdrawal rates, the majority of opinions All opinions chose option 1, very few people proposed option 2.
Dung also agreed with the delegate's opinion that, along with having a policy to limit one-time withdrawal of social insurance, we have many solutions in which there will be labourer supporting policies.

General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh attended the session

Regarding the content related to the proposal to increase policies on maternity and illness, Dung said this is very appropriate, relevant, in line with reality and needs and should be acknowledged. However, according to Dung, right in the process of drafting the Draft Law, we have recommended many more advanced and  better policies than the 2014 Social Insurance Law. If we continue to increase the maternity sickness fund, the current budget cannot be guaranteed, so, in the immediate period, it is necessary to ensure harmony between policies and rights with the fund's ability to balance, spending and revenue capabilities.

Explaining the content related to expanding subjects participating in compulsory social insurance, Dung said that the Resolution 42 clearly states that by 2030, the whole country will reach the coverage rate of 60%, so, expanding social insurance is a must. Dung stated clearly, the subjects that are clear and qualified, need to be stipulated immediately at this law, for subjects that are individual business households, through consultation, it is shown that the inclusion of these subjects in compulsory insurance participation is appropriate. This brings more positivity, helping the labor market to be flexible and change quickly, allowing one person to have many different labor relationships, ensuring social security balance.

Overview of the meeting

Concluding the discussion session, the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh said that there were 55 opinions expressed by National Assembly delegates, including 2 debate opinions. Regarding contents which there are still different opinions and no high consensus, Dinh said that the National Assembly Standing Committee will carefully consider, and coordinate with the Government to decide to send votes to National Assembly deputies to select options, as a basis for receiving and revising the draft Law. The National Assembly Standing Committee will coordinate closely with the Government to direct the Drafting Agency and the Verifying Agency to research, absorb, explain and complete the draft Law with the highest responsibility and report to the National Assembly Standing Committee for discussion during the period between two Sessions before finalizing and submitting to the National Assembly for consideration./.