Conduct professional training on inspection and examination of Vietnam social insurance industry in 2024

28/04/2024 10:50 AM

During 2 days April 25-26, in Hanoi, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) held a professional training conference on inspection and examination in 2024. VSS’ General Director Nguyen The Manh attended and gave a speech at the conference.

Attending the Conference were: Deputy General Director Le Hung Son; Representatives of leaders and officials of a number of units under VSS; Director, Deputy Director and leaders and officials of relevant departments of Social Insurance Agencies of provinces and centrally-run cities.

VSS’ General Director Nguyen The Manh spoke at the Conference

In his opening speech, General Director Nguyen The Manh said that on July 1st, 2023, the Law on Inspection No. 11/2022/QH15 takes effect; In particular, on January 11th, 2024, the Government issued the Decree No. 03/2024/ND-CP on providing regulations on agencies which perform specialized inspection functions and activities of agencies which are assigned to perform specialized inspection functions. Accordingly, as of March 1st, 2024, VSS will establish an inspection agency for which  helps to enhance the position of the Industry with the Inspection agency organized as a model of ministries, located at the common house "Vietnam Inspectorate".

Besides the new position, General Director Nguyen The Manh affirmed that the Law and Decree both have many new regulations on inspection oprations. Therefore, VSS organized a training conference to thoroughly grasp, orient, and specifically guide these contents; contribute to innovating and improving the effectiveness of specialized inspection activities on social, unemployment, and health insurance contributions and inspecting the implementation of policies, settlement, and enjoyment of social insurance, unemployment insurance, and health insurance benefits for VSS’ internal and external units.

Conference scene

Affirming the Conference's topics as very important, General Director Nguyen The Manh suggested that delegates focus on absorbing and practicing to apply knowledges to their expertise and operations at their localities and units; At the same time, speakers are required to present focused topics, concentrating on the new issues regulated at the policy and regime; evaluate and analyze risks, especially in health insurance fund management, finance and accounting... so that the trainees at Conference can discuss and come up with management solutions according to the functions and tasks of the Industry.

At the Conference, delegates thoroughly heard and disseminated topics including: (1) Some contents of the Inspection Law for the year 2002 and documents on guiding its implementation; (2) Discuss and provide professional guidance on inspection and implementation of medical examination and treatment contracts covered by health insurance; (3) Discuss and provide professional guidance on checking the receipt and processing of dossiers for one-time social insurance benefits; (4) Some skills in making administrative violation records for administrative violations of social, health, and unemployment insurance via inspection.

Speakers presented topics at the Conference

After the topics, the delegates will discuss and comment on the two drafts including: Draft regulations on management of inspection and processes for implementing specialized inspections of the Vietnam Social Insurance Industry; Draft regulations on management of inspection and inspection process of Vietnam Social Insurance Industry./.