Pilot process in paying for funeral allowance following inter-connected administrative procedures

30/11/2022 04:33 PM

Vietnam Social Security issued Decision No 3504/QĐ-BHXH on November 21 regarding the pilot process to pay for funeral allowance following inter-connected administrative procedures of death registration, deletion of permanent residence registration and funeral allowance via the national public service portal. The decision was made following the Prime Minister's Decision No 6/QĐ-TTg, dated January 6, 2022.

The process regulates the order of settlement of funeral allowance following the inter-connected administrative procedures of death registration, deletion of permanent residence registration and funeral allowance via the national public service portal and the settlement of one-off death gratuity and monthly death gratuity for relatives of the deceased employees following the inter-connected administrative procedures.

Pilot process in paying for funeral allowance following inter-connected administrative procedures

Accordingly, individuals can register a death for deceased employees to get the funeral allowance via the national public service portal in the following cases:

- Employees who are reserving the period of payment for social insurance premium but die and have contributed to the compulsory social insurance fund for at least 12 months.

- Employees who have contributed to compulsory and volunteer social insurance for at least 60 months.

- Voluntary social insurance participants who have contributed to the compulsory social insurance fund for at least 12 months but die or are waiting for retirement to get a pension.

- Employees who are getting monthly retirement pension or monthly social insurance allowance.

Specifically, the order of settlement of funeral allowance includes:

- Receiving dossiers and checking the information in line with regulations.

- Making a list of beneficiaries and giving them the funeral allowance.

Photo for illustration (source: Internet) 

Time for settlement of application for the funeral allowance will not exceed 10 working days after the full dossiers are received. 

The settlement of one-off death gratuity or monthly death gratuity will be made after paying for the funeral allowance following the inter-connected administrative procedures via the national public services portal./.