Guarantee of drugs, medical equipment and payment of medical expenses covered by health insurance

28/11/2022 09:05 AM

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has just signed Resolution No. 144/NQ-CP on the guarantee of medicines, medical equipment and payment of medical expenses covered by health insurance.

Accordingly, the Government requested the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance to urgently review, amend and supplement according to their competence or submit to competent authorities for amendment and supplementation of legal documents related to procurement, bidding, production and import of drugs and medical equipment under its management, in order to quickly handle problems and create conditions for agencies and units to carry out purchases, procurement and bidding for drugs, medical equipment and supplies. In case it is deemed necessary to apply simplified procedures to amend and supplement legal documents, relevant ministries shall report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision in accordance with the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.

Also according to the Resolution, the Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice and relevant agencies in, preparing a proposal to develop a Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Pharmacy according to the prescribed order and procedures in the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents, which focuses on the simplification of administrative procedures related to the grant, extension, change and supplementation of the drug circulation registration certificate according to the approved plan by Prime Minister at Decision No. 1661/QD-TTg dated October 4, 2021; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, formulating and submitting to the Government for amendments and supplements to Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP detailing and guiding measures to implement a number of articles of the Law on Health insurance, Decree No. 54/2017/ND-CP detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Pharmacy, Decree No. 155/2018/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of regulations related to conditions for business investment under the state management of the Ministry of Health, Decree No. 98/2021/ND-CP on the management of medical equipment.

Ensuring drugs, medical equipment and payment of medical expenses covered by health insurance. Photo: BYT

Amend and supplement the Circular No. 19/2021/TT-BYT of the Minister of Health providing for the form of documents and reports on the implementation of Decree No. 98/2021/ND-CP on the management of medical equipment; Circular No. 14/2020/TT-BYT stipulating a number of contents in bidding for medical equipment at public medical facilities and Circular No. 15/2019/TT-BYT stipulating the procurement of drugs at public medical facilities; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries and branches in, studying, amending, supplementing or issuing new documents on procurement and bidding, especially the issues of property rental, equipment supply after winning bids for chemicals and biological products; on management and use of circulation licensing fees for medical products and goods.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health in, amending, supplementing or promulgating new documents on bidding for drugs and medical equipment, which encourages the procurement and bidding of medical equipment that can be used with a variety of replacement biological products, components and accessories when operating; research and provide timely and thorough instructions to units and localities in the implementation of legal documents related to bidding for drugs and medical equipment according to their competence.

The Ministry of Finance shall urgently coordinate with the Ministry of Health in amending, supplementing or issuing new documents on the management and use of public assets and the use of state capital for the procurement of drugs and medical equipment (especially the issues of building cost estimates for procurement, lease of assets, and supply of equipment after winning bids for chemicals and biological products); documents stipulating the rate of collection, management and use of fees in the health sector upon receipt of the request of the Ministry of Health, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the law on bidding, prices, fees and charges; guide units and localities to implement legal documents related to procurement, management and use of drugs and medical equipment according to their competence.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee shall direct the centralized procurement units and medical facilities under their management to carry out the procurement of drugs and medical equipment according to their competence; uphold personal responsibility for unit heads to avoid shortages of drugs and medical equipment; strengthen inspection and supervision, and improve autonomy and self-responsibility in procurement.

VSS General Director Nguyen The Manh chaired the meeting to propose solutions to solve problems in the payment and settlement of medical treatment expenses covered by health insurance.

Regarding the payment of health care costs covered by health insurance, the Government allows finalization and payment of medical expenses covered by health insurance in 2021 equal to those according to the annual settlement report of the health facility after being assessed by the social security agency in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2, Article 32 of the Law on Health Insurance in 2008, which have been amended and supplemented by Law No. 46/2014/QH13.

In which, the cost for medical examination, bed and technical services, tests, blood and blood products have been used for patients within the scope and benefit level of the participants of health insurance. The settlement and payment comply with the actual quantity used and the price according to current regulations. Regarding expenses for drugs, chemicals, and medical supplies that are not included in the price of health care services covered by health insurance or used in techniques that have not yet been issued with health insurance premiums used for patients within the benefit scope and level of the patient: The settlement and payment shall be made according to the actual quantity used and the purchase price in accordance with the law on bidding.

Allow continued payment of medical treatment costs covered by health insurance for technical services performed by machines provided by the contractor after winning the bid for materials and chemicals according to the contractor selection results approved by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Bidding before November 5, 2022. The performance period is according to the contract performance period signed before November 5, 2022 or no more than 12 months from November 5, 2022.

Agencies in the process of inspection, examination, audit and performance of professional tasks are responsible for assessing and making conclusions in accordance with the law and this Resolution, limiting the impact on the operation of the units and localities; protecting organizations and individuals that are open, transparent and non-negative in procurement and bidding. The Ministry of Health is responsible for monitoring, urging and summarizing the implementation of the Resolution, and, when necessary, submitting reports it to the Prime Minister for consideration and direction in the implementation of the Resolution at ministries, branches and localities.