Professional agricultural association contributes to development

19/12/2022 09:17 AM

The Việt Nam Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Association has contributed valuable ideas to develop the country’s agricultural sector, said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyễn Quốc Trị.

The association has organised several international workshops and seminars, collecting opinions on laws of forestry, cultivation, and fisheries as well as mobilising financial resources for the sector’s development, the deputy minister said in the society’s second congress held on Thursday in Hà Nội.

With a membership of 85 per cent of doctors and associate professors, the association will continue to contribute more to the sector, actively participate in providing consultancy on mechanisms and policies for sustainable agriculture and rural development," said Trị.

Speaking at the congress, Prof. Dr. Phạm Văn Đình, president of the Việt Nam Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Association for the term of 2017-2022, said that during the past six years, despite facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the world economy and politics, the association had still actively worked to contribute to raising awareness about agriculture and rural development.

In the first term, the association focused on building the organisation and staff, Đình said.

“In the second term of 2022-2027, the association enters a new development phase which focuses on elevating activities in terms of both scale and quality to further contribute to the country’s agricultural and rural development,” said Đình.

At the second congress, Hà Công Tuấn, former deputy minister the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, was elected as the association’s president.

The Việt Nam Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Association, a socio-professional organisation, was established in 2016.

The main activities are organising scientific research activities, technology transfer, policy consulting, and human resource training.

The members are co-operatives, businesses and experts from universities, institutes and State-owned enterprises. — VNS