Empowering needy people to help them achieve a sustained economic growth

20/12/2022 09:43 AM

As part of the “Giving needy people with social insurance books, health insurance cards” programme, on December 17, Vice Chairman of the Management Council of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Van Cuong presented social insurance books and health insurance cards to the impoverished people in Tuyen Quang Province. Member of the provincial Party Executive Committee, Deputy Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Hoang Viet Phuong and representatives of donors also attended the event.

On the occasion, Vice Chairman of the Management Council of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Van Cuong gave 10 social insurance books and 30 health insurance cards to the needy in Tuyen Quang City’s My Lam Ward. Understanding difficulties facing the recipients, Mr. Cuong said he wished the recipients would make further efforts to overcome difficulties and gradually have financial stability to continue participating in the social insurance and health insurance schemes for their own sake.

Vice Chairman of the Management Council of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Van Cuong addresses the event

Vice Chairman of the Management Council of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Van Cuong expressed gratitude to donors, especially the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank); the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV; the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank); the Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank); the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB) and Vietnam Post.

“I would like to thank Tuyen Quang Province’s party leaders and authorities at all levels for having paid due attention to the social insurance and health insurance works in the locality and having joining us in programme,” he said.

Vice Chairman of the Management Council of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Van Cuong presents social insurance books, health insurance cards to the needy people

Addressing the event, Deputy Chairman of Tuyen Quang People’s Committee Hoang Viet Phuong appreciated Vietnam Social Security, businesses and donors for their support for the programme.

“I hope that the social insurance books and health insurance cards given by businesses and benefactors to the impoverished people in Tuyen Quang Province today will be a spiritual and material encouragement and foundation for the recipients to continue joining the social insurance and health insurance schemes when the extension time comes,” Mr. Phuong said.

He expected to receive further support from Vietnam Social Security as well as organisations, enterprises and donors to give social insurance books and health insurance cards to the impoverished people in the coming years.

Deputy Director of Tuyen Quang Province’s Social Security Ha Thi Nhung said total contributions from donors to present social insurance books and health insurance cards to the needy people in the locality reached nearly VND600 million (US$25,360).

Illustrative image (VSS)

“Hopefully, the social insurance books and health insurance cards presented to the disadvantaged people today will be a starting point, a psychological and material preparation, so that the recipients can actively continue to participate in the social insurance and health insurance networks, when the cards and books need to extend, to enjoy practical and long-term benefits,” she said.

Delightful to receive a social insurance book, Ninh Van Nguyet, a resident from Tuyen Quang City’s My Lam Ward, said he would like to express sincere thanks to Vietnam Social Security leaderships, provincial People’s Committee leaders, and donors for their support for the needy people.

“The social insurance books and health insurance cards that we receive today will encourage us to make further efforts to stabilise our life financially. If we are better off, we will prioritise paying for social insurance and health insurance premiums so that we can be insured when we fall sick or get old,” said Mr. Nguyet.

Till now, a total of 203 voluntary social insurance books and 767 health insurance cards have been given to the impoverished people in Tuyen Quang Province. They were contributed by sponsors, Vietnam Social Security staff, and provincial businesses. The provincial social insurance agency is mobilizing all potential sources to have more social insurance books and health insurance cards be given to the needy people by December 31, 2022./.