Promulgating the lump-sum social insurance settlement process for pilot application of digital signature authentication integrated in the mobile application

27/12/2022 04:15 PM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just issued Decision No. 3612/QD-BHXH promulgating the process of settling lump-sum social insurance benefits with pilot application of digital signature authentication integrated in the mobile application.

This is a public service implemented according to Decision No. 422/QD-TTg dated April 4, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the List of integrated online public services, provided on the National Public Service Portal in 2022.

This procedure prescribes the order of carrying out the procedures for settlement of lump-sum social insurance benefits for employees (excluding subjects under the management of the Ministry of National Defense) applying the pilot authentication via digital signatures integrated in the application used on mobile devices and implemented on the Public Service Portal.

Promulgating a process to settle for lump-sum social insurance benefits with pilot application of authentication via digital signatures integrated in mobile applications (Illustrative image)

The specific process is as follows:

Step 1. Declare and submit documents:

Employees shall fully and accurately declare information according to Form No. 14A- HSB provided on the National Public Service Portal, digitally sign on Form No. 14A-HSB, upload electronic records or source documents from the Personal Electronic Data Management Warehouse and submit the application on the Public Service Portal.

Employees are not required to declare and return data, records and papers already in the database managed by the social security agency or which have been digitized, stored, connected and shared by the competent authority with the Public Service Portal, an electronic one-stop information system.

Thủ tướng: 2023 là 'Năm Dữ liệu số', dứt khoát phải xây dựng Trung tâm Dữ liệu quốc gia - Ảnh 4.

PM Pham Minh Chinh

Step 2. Receipt of documents:

1. One-stop shop staff access software to receive and manage dossiers, and receive dossiers transferred from the Public Service Portal and check the contents declared in Form No. 14A-HSB, profile composition, accuracy of records, and information on records to perform.

1.1. In case the dossier provides incorrect or insufficient components, a notice shall be sent via Form No. 03/TB-GDDT issued together with Decision No. 838/QD-BHXH to the employee on the Public Service Portal to complete the application according to regulations.

1.2. In case the dossier is valid, a notice of settlement of the electronic transaction dossier shall be notified and the results shall be returned for the electronic transaction dossier (Form No. 03/TB-GDDT issued together with Decision No. 838/QD-BHXH) for workers and feedback processing status to the National Public Service Portal.

1.3. Transfer all received dossiers to the Department/Division of Social Insurance Benefits for processing.

2. Receive the paper social insurance book sent by the employee when the lump-sum social insurance benefit has been settled, store it or transfer the file management department to archive according to regulations along with the processed dossier from the Department/Division of social insurance regime.

Step 3. Settle and make a list of payments where officers of the Department/Division of Social Insurance Benefits shall:

1. Receive dossiers from software to receive and manage dossiers, check and compare information as prescribed in Item 1.1.1, point 1.1, clause 1, Article 7 Chapter III of Decision No. 166/QD-BHXH.

Thủ tướng: 2023 là 'Năm Dữ liệu số', dứt khoát phải xây dựng Trung tâm Dữ liệu quốc gia - Ảnh 3.

Delegates in the conference

2. Access the Policy Management System to review and submit to the leader for approval the Decision on enjoying lump-sum social insurance benefits (Form No. 07B-HSB), Process of payment of social insurance premiums (Form No. 04-HSB). Once approved by the leader, the distribution of the paper version will be transferred to the One-Stop Department (if the individual requests to return the paper version) and the electronic version or only the electronic version (if the individual requests to return the electronic version only) of the Decision on enjoying lump-sum social insurance benefits, and the process of payment of social insurance premiums.

3. Make a list of lump-sum social insurance payments as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 1 of Decision No. 3503/QD-BHXH.

4. Time limit for settlement: Maximum 05 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers as prescribed.

VSS' General Director Nguyen The Manh had a speech on the conference 

Step 3. Payment:

Officers of the Division/Department of Financial Planning shall receive the list of C97-HD from the Division/Department of Social Insurance benefits and pay only according to the provisions of Clause 6, Article 1 of Decision No. 3503/QD-BHXH. The lump-sum of social insurance benefits (in cash or via personal account) will be paid after the person requesting the settlement of the regime has received the decision on one-time social insurance allowance and the social insurance book with the participation period including unearned unemployment insurance (if any) and have returned the paper social insurance book.

Check and compare during payment of one-time social insurance benefits as follows:

- In case the beneficiary registers to receive the one-time social insurance regime directly in cash at the social security agency: on the basis of ID card/Passport which has been verified by the One-Stop Department. The Financial Planning Department/Department shall check and compare the signature of the beneficiary in the Application for one-time social insurance allowance (Form 14A-HSB) with the signature on the list of only one-time payment of social insurance benefits (Form C97-HD).

- For the case of payment via personal account: Payment must be made according to the employee's personal account, before transferring money to the account, the staff of the Financial Planning Department/Division will contact the beneficiary by phone number to check the information and notify the one-time payment of social insurance benefits for confirmation.

Step 4. Return settlement results:

The One-Stop Department shall perform:

1. Receipt: The dossier has been processed from the Department/Division of social insurance benefits to return to the submitter, including: The Decision on one-time social insurance entitlement (Form No. 07B-HSB), Process of payment of social insurance premiums (Form No. 04-HSB); the electronic social insurance book or the paper social insurance book according to the registered method for the case of enjoying one-time social insurance and the period of payment of unemployment insurance payment has not yet been received from the Department/Division of books and cards.

VSS' Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh

2. Returning results

After receiving the results of administrative procedures, the staff at the One-Stop Department shall directly phone and notify the beneficiary to receive the result in the registered form and instruct the beneficiary to return the paper social insurance book. In case of receiving results at the one-stop section of the social security agency, they shall bring their ID card/Passport to recheck and the paper social insurance book to return to the social security agency.

a) In case the beneficiary registers to receive the result directly at the social security agency: The officer shall return the result to compare the ID card/Passport/personal account information (if received via personal account) according to the beneficiary's information on the file; scan the ID card/Passport, sign the scanned copy number for records, ask the beneficiary to sign and receive on the monitoring book to return the results; then inform the Financial Planning Department/Division to make payment in cash or transfer money to the beneficiary's account (in case of cash payment, instruct the beneficiary to receive directly; in case of transferring via bank account personal account, timely information about the results have been returned to the beneficiary for the Financial Planning Department/Division to implement transactions).

b) In case the beneficiary only registers to receive the results electronically: The electronic version is sent to the individual's electronic data management warehouse on the Public Service Portal./.