27/10/2023 03:12 PM

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee held a national conference on the implementation of supervision programs for 2024 in Hanoi on November 17 under the chair of NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

27/10/2023 02:50 PM

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs (MoLISA) held a workshop

26/10/2023 11:04 AM

According to experts from technology universities, the demand for human resources in this area in the coming years is expected to be around 3,000 engineers per year, with at least 30 per cent of them having postgraduate degrees.

26/10/2023 11:03 AM

Christopher Jeffery, Chairman of the BritCham Vietnam, shares insights on the specific challenges and opportunities faced by British businesses in Việt Nam.

26/10/2023 09:20 AM

According to a 2022 report by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the number of international migrants has been on the rise for the past five decades.

25/10/2023 02:31 PM

Vietnam’s continued economic development, growth of the middle class, and increasing demand for high-quality healthcare services are crucial drivers for healthcare system here. To upgrade and expand their facilities, improve operational efficiency, and provide better services, they are investing to equip their facilities with advanced medical devices. Promoting HCM City as a medical hub of ASEAN is vital to reduce the number of people travelling abroad for medical care and boost medical tourism.

24/10/2023 01:04 PM

The Steering Committee for External Information Service on October 11 organised a national conference on studying and implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 57-KL/TW dated June 15, 2023, on continuing to improve the quality and efficiency of external information service in the new situation.

24/10/2023 10:35 AM

The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) held a online conference, on July 26, to review the implementation of the government-launched project on enhancing the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication to serve the national digital transformation in the period of 2022-2025 with a vision toward 2030 (Project 06) in the first 6 months of 2023.

National conference on implementation of NA supervision program for 2024 be discussed

Vietnam, ILO highlight 3 priorities of Decent Work Country Programme

Semiconductor industry needs 50,000 high-quality workers in next 10 years

Việt Nam and UK forge long-term collaboration in a post-UKVFTA landscape

Gender issues, social welfare highlighted in migration studies to better support migrants

HCM City: Solutions for health system development are synchronously implemented

Agencies, localities press to increase quality, efficiency of external information service

MPS to achieve positive results in implementing Project 06