Viet Nam create favorable condition on policy, social security for FDI

20/03/2024 08:35 AM

Amid economic difficulty, the fact that foreign investors continue to pour a great amount of capital demonstrates their confidence in Vietnam’s business and investment climate. PM Chinh hailed the support of international friends and contributions by FDI firms to Vietnam’s socioeconomic achievements over the past time. In the coming time, Viet Nam continues to create favorable condition on policy, social security for FDI enterprises.

Against the backdrop of a global FDI slowdown, Vietnam has remained a silver lining in this regard, attracting nearly 36.6 billion USD in FDI in 2023, up 32.1% year-on-year.
As of the end of February 2024, the country counted over 39,500 valid FDI projects, with a total registered capital of more than 473 billion USD, by investors from 145 countries and territories worldwide, the leader said.
Speaking about domestic businesses’ capacity to meet the demand and requirements of international partners, Nguyen Van Nghia, Chairman and CEO of ANCL Group - a company specialising in component manufacturing for semiconductor, automotive, healthcare, oil and gas industries – Vietnamese businesses have continuously been renovating and adjusting to meet international requirements. Recognising that their position and starting point are not high, Vietnamese businesses have identified continuous learning as a crucial part of the overall goal to attract more major trade partners.
Attracting large corporations to invest is a success, but retaining FDI firms is also a huge pressure, requiring Vietnam to continue improving its institutions, business environment, infrastructure, and especially the quality of human resources. It is necessary to unify regulations before issuance to avoid overlapping regulations that may cause difficulties in the implementation for businesses.

In his remarksa meeting with FDI enterprises and the annual Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) in Hanoi., PM Chinh hailed the support of international friends and contributions by FDI firms to Vietnam’s socioeconomic achievements over the past time.
Informing the participants about Vietnam’s development orientations, he stressed that to achieve the set targets, it requires people and businesses, including FDI enterprises, to further uphold their roles.
The PM suggested FDI firms, along with Vietnam, take people as the centre, subject, resources, momentum and target of development, stressing economic growth should not be achieved at the expense of social progress and equality, and the environment.
Regarding green growth, the government leader noted that Vietnam has viewed it as a core element in economic restructuring and growth model reform towards higher productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness, and rapid, sustainable development.
He elaborated on Vietnam’s net-zero commitments and its green growth strategies and plans, and called on foreign investors and partners to work together with Vietnam to achieve them.

FDI firms and foreign investors should lead in changing both mindset and actions, pursuing sustainable development, transferring technologies, and promoting development research, he suggested.
The PM also called on development partners to enhance cooperation, especially in high-quality personnel training, share experience with Vietnam, provide consultations, and intensify financial and technological support to the country.
In return, Vietnam will ensure legal, legitimate rights and interests of businesses, guarantee political stability, social order and safety and national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity to help investors feel secured during operations; and ensure energy security towards green transition, he pledged.
At the same time, the country will implement the three breakthroughs of institution, law, mechanism, policy; infrastructure, including transport, digital, logistics and social infrastructure; and administrative reform and personnel training, the leader continued.
It will also work to raise businesses’ confidence in the Government and all-level administration; promote openness, transparency in tandem with the fight against negative phenomena and wastefulness; and step up support to enterprises in green, sustainable development, he said.
Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said the event demonstrates the strong determination of the Government, as well as the special role of the business community, especially FDI firms, in green growth.
Denzel Eades, Vice Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (BritCham), lauded Vietnam’s commitments to net zero emissions by 2050 and sustainable development, and the Government’s efforts in this regard, affirming that UK firms stand ready to significantly contribute to such important areas as energy, finance, pharmacy and consumer goods in the Southeast Asian nation.
He recommended that Vietnam quickly roll out the National Power Development Plan VIII, approved by the PM last year, with attention to be paid to the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) power, and solar and wind energy, and implement the Just Energy Transition Partnership in line with the plan.
Joseph Uddo, Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hanoi (AmCham Hanoi) and President of AES Vietnam, said to regain momentum and develop the supply chain, Vietnam needs to carry out restructuring in state-owned enterprises, government management and management process for the private sector.
AmCham suggested that Vietnam further streamline administrative procedures in   issues relating to tax and investment licensing, and ensure stable electricity supply for production and business, he said./.