Vietnamese, Cuban women's unions strengthen solidarity, friendship

26/05/2023 08:57 AM

Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women's Union (VWU) Ha Thi Nga on May 11 hosted a reception for Teresa Maria Amarelle Boue, member of the Council of State of Cuba and Secretary General of the Cuban Women's Union.

Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women's Union (VWU) Ha Thi Nga on May 11 hosted a reception for Teresa Maria Amarelle Boue, member of the Council of State of Cuba and Secretary General of the Cuban Women's Union.

Nga congratulated the Cuban people on the achievements they made under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba in recent times, expressing her belief that the Latin American nation will record more successes in economic development and socialism building.

The visit to Vietnam by representatives from the Cuban Women's Union. Photo: VNA

Vietnamese women always maintain the sense of cultivating the special and exemplary solidarity relationship between Vietnam and Cuba, which has been preserved and constantly developed by generations of leaders and people of the two countries, Nga stressed.

Teresa Maria Amarelle Boue briefed her host on achievements of gender equality of her country, especially in implementing the national programme for the advancement of women, and in advocating equal rights of women in economic, political, cultural, labour, family and other areas.

The visit to Vietnam by representatives from the Cuban Women's Union is within the framework of cooperation activities signed between the two countries’ Women's Unions in the 2002-2027 period.

Nga and Teresa Maria Amarelle Boue agreed that the visit once again affirms that the two Women's Unions and women of both nations, as well as future generations of Vietnam and Cuba will be the next force to promote the special friendship and solidarity between the two nations, contributing to firmly protecting socialist achievements, and building a just, democratic and civilised society in both nations.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong hoped that the Cuban and Vietnamese Women's Unions would strengthen their friendship, contributing to the development of solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
This is a day of appreciation for the two Hoi Lien marriage between Vietnamese and Cuban women and men 1
National Assembly Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong highly appreciated Cuban women's contributions to the revolutionary cause. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

Within the framework of the official visit to Cuba by National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, on the morning of April 21 (local time), Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quang Phuong had a meeting with Teresa María Amarelle Boué, Politburo member of the Communist Party of Cuba, Secretary General of the Cuban Women's Union.

According to the Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Havana, at the meeting, Ms. Amarelle Boué highly appreciated the traditional friendship between the two countries over the past 60 years.

Ms. Amarelle Boué said that the Vietnam Women's Union and Cuban Women's Union has a cooperative and exchange relationship for many years, contributing to the solidarity and friendship between the two countries, which has been painstakingly cultivated by President Ho Chi Minh and Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro.

The General Secretary of the Cuban Women's Union affirmed that the Vietnamese people's spirit of heroic struggle in the resistance war to protect the Fatherland and the efforts in nation building of the Vietnamese people are always a great source of encouragement and encouragement to the Cuban people in general. Cuban women in particular.

This is a day of appreciation for the two Hoi Lien marriage between Vietnamese and Cuban women and men 2
National Assembly Vice Chairman, Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quang Phuong at a meeting with Teresa María Amarelle Boué, Politburo member of the Communist Party of Cuba, Secretary General of the Cuban Women's Union (Photo: VNA)

For his part, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong congratulated the achievements and contributions of the Cuban Women's Union in the revolutionary cause of the Caribbean island nation, as well as in political and social activities.

He highly appreciated the percentage of Cuban female deputies participating in the Xth National Assembly (55,3%) - ranked second in the world, congratulating the Cuban Revolution's achievements in promoting gender equality, as well as the Cuban Party and State's attention and facilitation to help Cuban women develop and participate in all aspects of social life at a very high rate.

Cuba-Vietnam Relations: Strengthening Ties Within the Next Generation

Visitors to the photo exhibition of Cuban hero Che Guevara

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong She expressed her wish that the Cuban Women's Union and the Vietnam Women's Union would continue to promote friendship and cooperation, contributing to the development of solidarity, friendship and traditional cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba.

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Thao, the Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association highly valued the two countries' efforts to educate about the special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba, especially in a complex and unpredictable world situation.

This topic has been included in the Friendship and Cooperation Agreements between the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, the Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association and the Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples (ICAP), the Cuba - Vietnam Friendship Association.

Vietnamese, Cuban women's unions strengthen solidarity, friendship | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)

The 6th chapter of the Agreement states: "The parties will create conditions for students of the two countries to participate in and support politics, entertainment, solidarity, and friendship activities taking place in the two countries. Students who have completed their study program will be facilitated to establish student associations or participate as members of Friendship Associations to strengthen the knowledge base and contribute to expanding and strengthening the solidarity movement, involving new generations and indivisible solidarity, as well as the values ​​that the peoples of the two countries uphold."


Over the past years, Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association has coordinated with agencies, and local friendship associations to organize many practical, specific, and meaningful activities to spread the images of Cuban culture, country, and people to the Vietnamese people, especially the youth. Those activities included a contest about understanding Cuba themed "Vietnam - Cuba unite for development," a photo exhibition named "Vietnam - Cuba: 55 years of solidarity and cooperation" with 55 precious photos reflecting the relationship between the two countries over the past half- century, and a photo exhibition of Cuban hero Che Guevara.

Vietnamese, Cuban women's unions strengthen solidarity, friendship | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)

In 2020, as the two countries celebrate the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic relations, the Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association held and coordinated with the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations and ministries and departments to hold a series of activities to celebrate the event, including many cultural and educational activities about the special traditional friendship between the two countries for children.

The Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Associations at provincial and city levels also organized children's painting contests in Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho. Themed "Vietnam - Cuba immense solidarity," the contest received more than 1 million paintings expressing the feelings and wishes of children across Vietnam for Cuban children and people.

Some other activities on the occasion, such as the photo exhibition named "Cuba in the Heart of the Vietnamese People" at the Vietnam Women's Museum, the conference to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cuba in An Giang; the "Vietnam - Cuba cultural exchange" program in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, reach a wide public, especially young people.

Vietnamese, Cuban women's unions strengthen solidarity, friendship | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)

In addition to exhibitions, exchanges, and contests to learn about Cuba, the Association cooperated with publishing houses to launch books on the bilateral relationship, and the loyal friendship between the two countries. two nations, such as: “Fidel and Vietnam: Unforgettable Memories”, “National Independence, Socialism and Updating the Socialist Model in Cuba” and “Cuban Memory.” The publications convey the feelings of the Vietnamese people for the Cuban people, raise the awareness of all classes of people, especially the young generation, about the nature and meaning of the special relationship between Vietnam and Cuba.

In 2022, on the 61st anniversary of Cuba's Girón Victory, the Association cooperated with the National Political Publishing House to display books with the theme: "Vietnam-Cuba faithful friendship: Imprints on books."

More specific and practical cooperation programs

To improve the effectiveness of propaganda and education for the young generation, strengthen the traditional friendship relations with Cuba in particular and countries with traditional relations in general, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Thao said it is necessary to continue to implement specific cooperation programs with diverse, vivid, and useful forms and substantive content such as holding meetings and friendship exchanges for young people, strengthening the exchange of students, young entrepreneurs, young scientists (both virtually and in-person jointly organized in comprehensive political and ideological education for young people, especially in commemoration of major holidays, more seminars, roundtables, exchange of information and experiences between the Vietnam Youth Federation, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union with Cuban Communist Youth Union and youth organizations in other countries.

Vietnamese, Cuban women's unions strengthen solidarity, friendship | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)

Through these specific and practical activities, the youth of the two countries have more opportunities to enrich their knowledge and experience and also contribute to preserving, consolidating, and developing the close solidarity and trust between the young generation of Vietnam and of other countries.

In addition, agencies and experts of the two countries need to do in-depth research, actively and properly promote, guide, and orientate to help the young generation build a foundation of awareness and understanding preserving the good traditional relations between the two countries. In addition to jointly organizing contests to learn about the country and people of Vietnam and other countries, it is to make use of new platforms loved by young people to continue effectively themed them.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Thao suggested that the national education curriculum should include more content on the history, culture, and relations of Vietnam with countries that have traditional relations with Vietnam. It is necessary to strengthen oriented training for Vietnamese students and international students in both Vietnam and those countries. In addition to acquiring knowledge in their majors, they should also have knowledge about the country, customs, people, and the special traditional friendship relationship with Vietnam. That helps them be aware of the responsibility to preserve and promote the special friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and countries with traditional relations.