President Vo Van Thuong hosts ASEAN Ambassadors

18/04/2023 04:33 PM

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception for ASEAN Ambassadors who came to congratulate him on being elected as the Head of State in Ha Noi, on April 17.

On behalf of the ASEAN diplomats, Indonesian Ambassador Denny Abdi conveyed congratulations and greetings from leaders of Indonesia and ASEAN member states to President Vo Van Thuong.

The Indonesian Ambassador affirmed that over the past 28 years, Viet Nam has played an important role in strengthening the solidarity and central role of ASEAN, as well as in building the ASEAN Community Vision beyond 2025.

The diplomat pledged to support and contribute actively and effectively to further enhancing the relationship between Viet Nam and ASEAN countries, expressing his belief that under the sound leadership of the President, their friendship and cooperation would increasingly grow.

President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception for ASEAN Ambassadors who came to congratulate him on being elected as the Head of State in Ha Noi.

President Vo Van Thuong hailed the theme of ASEAN this year "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth", which reflects the role of the bloc in the region and the shared aspirations of ASEAN for development in peace, prosperity and harmony.

Also, the leader affirmed that Viet Nam would accompany the ASEAN 2023 Chair, and all member countries in achieving these goals, stating that ASEAN holds an extremely important position, and is an integral part of Viet Nam's foreign policy.

Unity, flexibility, harmony and inclusiveness are the "golden keys" to opening the door to a new regional space with ASEAN at the center, toward realizing the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and beyond, with the community spirit permeating among people of all strata.

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Viet Nam and Southeast Asian nations have been working closely together in all important fields such as national defence-security, economy, trade, investment, education-training, and people-to-people exchange.

Notably, ASEAN countries have expanded cooperation into new areas in the Industry 4.0 era, such as innovation, digital transformation, digital connectivity, circular economy, green economy, and clean energy, among others.

The Vietnamese President wished that Ambassadors would serve as important bridges, contributing more to promoting friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and ASEAN member states.

On the occasion of the traditional New Year of Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand (Songkran) and Ramadan in Muslim countries, he extended his warmest wishes to the leaders and people of these countries.

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 The 13th-tenure Central Committee of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV) convened on Wednesday in Hà Nội to deliberate and give opinions on personnel matters.

These include the cessation of duties of Võ Văn Thưởng, Member of the Politburo and Member of the 13th Central Committee of the CPV, President of the Socialist Republic of Việt Nam and Chairman of the National Defence and Security Council for the term 2021-26; and considering disciplinary actions against Hoàng Thị Thuý Lan, Member of the 13th Central Committee, former Secretary of Vĩnh Phúc Province's Party Committee and Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council.

The announcement from the Party Central Committee noted that Võ Văn Thưởng is a key Party and State leader, who has been trained from the grassroots level and tasked with many important leadership positions of the Party and the State.

President hosts new, outgoing ambassadors

"However, according to reports from the Central Inspection Commission and relevant agencies, Comrade Võ Văn Thưởng has violated Party regulations on prohibitions for Party members, regulations on the responsibility of officials to set an example, especially members of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Central Committee of the Party, and is held accountable as the leader, according to Party regulations and State laws."

"The violations and shortcomings of Comrade Võ Văn Thưởng have caused negative public opinion, affecting the reputation of the Party, the State and his own person."

The Party Central Committee said that Thưởng, recognising his responsibilities to the Party, the State and the people, has submitted a letter requesting relief from his assigned duties and work.

Based on the current regulations of the Party and the State and considering the personal wishes of Thưởng, the Party Central Committee agrees to relieve Thưởng of his duties as Member of the Politburo, Member of the 13th Central Committee of the Party, President of Việt Nam and Chairman of the National Defence and Security Council for the term 2021-26.

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As for Hoàng Thị Thuý Lan, the committee noted that she has degraded in political ideology, morality and lifestyle; seriously violated Party regulations and State laws in the discharge of assigned duties and tasks, violated regulations on what Party members are not allowed to do and the responsibility to set an example; accepted bribes, causing very serious consequences and public outrage, and seriously affecting the prestige of the Party organisation and local authorities.

Based on the content, nature, extent, consequences and causes of the violations, following Party regulations on disciplinary actions, the Party Central Committee decides to implement disciplinary action against Lan by expulsion from the Party.

Earlier in March, Lan was detained by the police on the charge of 'taking bribes' in connection with the case of Phúc Sơn Group, involving tax evasion and defrauding investors in several real estate projects.

The Party Central Committee said the Politburo has been assigned with directing relevant agencies to implement procedures as prescribed.

Following the Party Central Committee's meeting, Secretary-General of the National Assembly Office Bùi Văn Cường on Wednesday afternoon also announced that the parliament will be holding an extraordinary session on Thursday morning in Hà Nội to review and decide on personnel matters under its authority.