1. Step 1: The beneficiary shall make one written proposal for retrospective payment of and continuing to enjoy the social insurance benefit (Form No. 19-CBH) and submit such to: - Social insurance agencies of rural districts, for monthly social insurance benefits. - Social insurance agencies of provinces or rural districts that handle and monitor the amount not yet paid, for lump-sum social insurance benefits. 2. Step 2: - For monthly social insurance benefits: the social insurance agencies of rural districts shall check and compare with the list of payment (Forms No. 72a-HD, 72b-HD or 72c-HD) or the monitoring book of beneficiaries suspended from being printed in the payment list of monthly pension or social insurance allowances (Form No. S01-CBH), certify the settlement into the beneficiaries’ Form No. 19-CBH, make payment voucher and promptly pay social insurance allowances to the beneficiaries within the subsequent working day as from the date of receiving the written proposal as the latest. After the amount is retrospectively paid, cases that continue to print the payment list shall be made according to Form No. 10-CBH and sent to provincial-level social insurance agencies to continue printing the payment list. In case the beneficiary requests to receive together with the monthly benefit, the agencies shall add the retrospective payment to the payment list to pay for the beneficiary. - For lump-sum social insurance benefits: the social insurance agencies of provinces or rural districts (accounting units) shall check and compare with book No. S33-H and approve the payment right in the day for the beneficiary or within the subsequent working day as the latest. 3. Step 3: The beneficiaries shall receive the allowance in the social insurance agencies of rural districts (for monthly social insurance benefits) or in the social insurance agencies of provinces or rural districts (for lump-sum social insurance benefits) right in the day or within the subsequent working day as from the date of submitting the written proposal as the latest.
To directly submit at the one-door unit
A written proposal for retrospective payment of and continuing to enjoy the social insurance benefit (Form No. 19-CBH) promulgated together with the Vietnam Social Security’s Decision No. 636/QD-BHXH of April 22, 2016
To promptly pay social insurance allowances to the beneficiaries within the subsequent working day as from the date of receiving the written proposal as the latest.
A written proposal for retrospective payment of and continuing to enjoy the social insurance benefit (Form No. 19-CBH)
- Law No. 58/2014/QH13 of November 20, 2014, on Social Insurance; - The Vietnam Social Security’s Decision No. 828/QD-BHXH of May 27, 2016;
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security